Sunday, July 10, 2011

Our Red, White, and Blue

Shawn was on call for the holiday, but that didn't stop the kids and I from celebrating here while he was at the hospital. We broke out our RED - WHITE - BLUE attire. I love the 4th of July, and minus a firework celebration, we had a rockin' BBQ with our friends the Thun's and Shawn's co-resident Reanan. Good food, Good friends. We took a picture of my little Lyv one year ago on these front steps, and Sam was holding her. Now she is such a big girl. I just love her cute sassy personality. She has become such an entertainer lately, and is refusing to walk! Come on Lyvie Girl... just do it!

Jack loved the endless popcicles that were part of our celebration. He is such a kid's kid... pop, icecream, suckers, gum, candy, anything that can make you sticky and yucky he LOVES.

Jack does some of the nastiest things. At the end of our meal, we caught he nawing on some leftover ribs. Don't mind the dirty napkins!

Sam had his Kindergarten screening and I recieved the biggest compliment from one of the testers. She told me, and I quote, "What a Joy he is!" "I think he'll be one of my favorites". Anyone who knows Sam, knows that he tends to be shy around new people, and can be stand-offish at times. I know he'll do great in school, and I know how excited he is to go.

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