Monday, April 9, 2012

Central Park and 9/11 Memorial

We hit the big city, probably for the last time (definitely the last time with the kids). We went to Central Park. As we tromped through the park, the kids kept asking are we there yet? We tried to explain that this was Central Park. Jack could not be convinced and later after walking by a little concrete play area declared that that must be Central Park! It was a nice day, and the kids enjoyed being able to run free, since the rest of the time they were strapped in their stroller.

Shawn was a champ and packed the double jogger up and down Subway stairs as we made our way to the 9/11 Memorial. It was a nice day, and I'm glad we got a chance to see the memorial. It was a good chance to explain this to Sam, since he has shown a really big interest in the towers after seeing a display at the NY state museum in Albany. Jack was terrified of the subway at least on the first ride. He finally decided on the way back that there are two kinds of trains scary trains and not scary trains.

City living is not for me - I can't imagine walking all over with kids to take them to a park, shopping, etc. However if Shawn and I would have been single I think there is so much you could take advantage of. Props to my friend Erin, who lives in the city with her own three kiddos - I need me some wide open spaces.

1 comment:

Freeman Family said...

Those sites are on my bucket list! I need to come for a visit so you can be my tour guide! I agree, can't imagine living there alone or with kids! Give me some space!