Thursday, June 20, 2013

Goodbye to Hurley Nursery School

Jack's final day of preschool was last week, and he was super excited to experience his first summer vacation.  Preschool has been a great experience for Jack.  He has learned so much and was surrounded by great friends and caring teachers.  His teacher, Mrs. Moorhus, was a wonderful teacher.

She took an especial interest in Jack and helped out with the getting him services for Early Intervention.  She was very supportive of all his work in speech, physical and occupational therapy.  Jack has made some strides in all of these therapies - especially speech and physical therapy.  He's gotten a lot more aware of his words and tries very hard to say them correctly.  He still struggles with his coordination, but that will improve with continued focused practice.  We are so grateful to all of the people who have taken time and efforts to help our Jack Jack!

Lyv also loved Jack's preschool experience because she was able to tag along to each and every field trip!  Here's miss Lyv at the farewell picnic...cutie!

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