Monday, May 19, 2014

Max 18 Month Update

 This little cutie turned 18 months in May!  He is such a sweet sweet boy!  Seriously I have never had a child that gives out so many hugs, kisses, sweet faces, and snuggles - mostly for me.  He loves his momma!!

About 3 weeks ago, Max started to have some major bowel issues, and they weren't resolving, so we took him to the doctor, everything checked out normal.  That's when he started to vomit every time he drank milk!  Ahh…food allergies are something that I just don't think I could handle, but we went 10 days without milk for Max, and started to look up a bit, at least not vomiting anymore.  We decided to get allergy tests to rule out a celiac allergy.  The day, I'm not kidding, the day we got the blood test done, Max all of sudden got better!  They think he probably had a bad virus, that stripped his stomach and intestines of the good bacteria that helps you digest foods, like milk.  So he was "dairy intolerant" but it was only a temporary case while his digestive track got back to normal.  Seriously it was the most nerve wracking 2 1/2 weeks of my life trying to figure out what foods were making him sick, or if they were!  So he's back on milk again, and doing well. But I am extremely grateful that there were no further issues with allergies.

Max thinks he is a pretty big boy, and he tries his best to keep up with the olders.  He loves being outdoors, jumping on the trampoline, playing in the sandbox, running away from me - that's right, down the street - away from me!  He has a lot of Jackism, which is a little scary.  Case in point:

The one in the orange is Max, the one in the blue is Jack - twiners! I about died when I saw that he had crawled in the dryer! Talk about deja vu!

He loves Frozen right now, intact his first real words besides the usual is Elsa!  He even "sings" Let It Go - and you can recognize it when he does.  He is such a good player and will play with whatever is at hand - DVD's, scissors, rocks, my shoes, toothbrushes, etc.  Again, a lot like Jack!  BUT - he does play with real toys as well, so that is a positive. 

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