Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Jack's 7th Birthday

7 years ago we were blessed with the most precious sweet baby boy - and we were able to celebrate all weekend long Jack's 7th birthday.  Because his birthday usually falls on Labor Day weekend, we party like its 1999 on Jack's big day!  We started our celebration on Friday with THE CAKE - the Cavity Cake as we call it.  Jack searched high and low on Pinterest to find the perfect cake for this birthday - and bam: a candy covered chocolates frosted chocolate cake!  That couldn't fit Jack any better! We went to the West Valley Rams football game and then came home and sang to Jack; and dug in!

On Saturday we watched the BYU game!!  What an exciting game it was too.  Then we headed to Kids' Castle (an indoor play park) and followed that up with dinner at McDonalds!  What would that night be without a little more cake:)

On Sunday, Jack's actual birthday we started the day off with hot cinnamon rolls and then headed to church where Jack continued to be showered with well wishes and candy!  He got a humongous pixie stick, and couldn't have been more pleased.  We packed up and headed to Seattle Sunday night.  Then we hit up the Mariner's game on Monday!  What a perfect weekend celebration for Jack!

Jack got a few favorites this year:  Mouthwash & a 5 lb. bag of gummy bears!  He was so funny because those seem like ironic favorites but that just shows you the beautiful quirky personality that Jack has.  He told his grandma Julie that the gift he wanted from her would sound a little crazy…but Mouthwash was the must have of the year!  He also got money, roller blades (so he can improve upon his awesome blading skills), two lego sets, and two joke books.

I am so grateful everyday for this boy!  He brings our house so much laughter and joy, and equally frustration and anger.  He is independent and persistent to no end, but he is also so intelligent, loving, and funny!  So funny that I think how boring our house would be without him and it makes me sad.  This year he has been so brave - he has tried so many new things and conquered a lot of his fears from last year.  He rode in the ski boat, got up on the knee board, dove like an olympic champ, jumped off rocks on the river, and wrestled alligators! Ok….the last one isn't true, but he has made us so proud of his courage!  We love you Jack.

1 comment:

Freeman Family said...

Oh Jack I love your cake! Could you send a piece to Iowa for me? Looks like you had a super fun birthday! Love you!