Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday Soup

Wow - the week has flown by! We have thoroughly enjoyed every day of this week, because it has been spent playing with Shawn. We started off with a day of fun on the slip and slide, then we hit the zoo, we went camping (which really was the highlight of our adventures), and tonight we are having a potluck dinner with our neighbors. We have been so blessed to live next to these wonderful people. I can't describe how grateful we are to have them as friends and watch our kids play, and occasionally fight! We will miss you all so much.

I need to apologize in advance for the load of pictures, but they turned out great - which goes to show you that lighting makes all the difference in the world with cameras. Our pictures camping were on a overcast day, and they turned out great.

Camping at Bear Creek Camp ground - owned by the LDS church and can be used for anything from scouts to a family outing. Sam was EXstatatic! He was in heaven, almost literally too - because it was so beautiful there. The trees are something else, and if you've been camping in Idaho and Utah, it just doesn't do it justice. Pine trees are beautiful, but these trees were HUGE and everything was so green! Sam's favorite parts of camping were as follows:
1) Fishing - a perfect little stream ran alongside the campsite
2) Sleeping in the tent, and listening to Shawn tell us some funny bedtime stories about Sam the Dwarf and Jack the Munchkin.

3) Peeing outside - thank you cousin Cooper for instilling this LOVE in Sam! (sorry if this isn't appropriate to put on my blog, but it was Hilarious! Sam really loved being able to just go anywhere he wanted, and at this attempt had just peed all over the binoculars - Shawn and I couldn't quit laughing.)
Jack did awesome, although trying to keep the now crawling baby from eating nature was impossible. I tried setting out two big blankets and enticing him with toys, but he immediately crawled to the edge of the blankets and began eating the grass, the mud, the rocks.... that boy!

I also couldn't resist putting these pictures of Jack on - he loves to eat, and especially loves sweet food (I know we are setting ourselves up for big problems in the future) but here's the aftermath of Jack vs. Banana Choc. Chip Pancake. We also discovered a new look-a-like for Jack, Grandpa Kelly! See what you think?

We've had a great week, and are going to be missing Shawn terribly. He does get to come home on the weekends and that will make it worth it to stay and see him a little longer before he really is GONE. We are going to start packing this next week - so stay tuned for my ranting and raving at how much STUFF we've accumulated over the three years we've been here. We hope you all had a very happy, fun week!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

No TidBit this Tuesday

TidBit #1: Take a Vacation - Where is my tidbit?? Jack and I have been looking for it everywhere!! We are on another unofficial break - our week of Shawn! Check back on Saturday for more of our adventures, and next Tuesday I'll be pulling out the big guns!! Have a great week.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Saturday Soup

This week has been a really great week with the boys. Starting off with the fun superhero capes, ending with a slip and slide and 7 days without interuption with SHAWN!!! I finished Jack's cape on Wednesday and Sam wanted to wear them to eat lunch with Shawn. I got the cutest picture of them all together. The rest of this week was spent mostly outside (I've got a killer Farmer's Tan) and we topped it off with Slip and Slide 101; instructor: Mommy. I just couldn't help myself, clothes and all to show Sam how it was done! No pictures, sorry. Jack is officially crawling, although he still pulls out the good old army crawl, especially when he is being pursued by Sam. It is amazing how fast he is! It is also incredible how now that he is only 6 inches high on his hands and knees, he gets into EVERYTHING!! Sam has had a really great week riding his bike, playing in the swimming pool, swinging, you get the idea... He told me that boys don't get married and that he wants to live with me forever! I'll remind him of that when he's 16 and tells me how he can't wait to get out of our house!

Shawn finished his last day of "school" yesterday! Shawn has done so well in school and we are so proud of his hardwork! He is done with clinic and has 1 week of vacation and our goal is to make the most of every minute, since Shawn leaves to Waterloo for the month of June.
No house news - the For Sale sign still adorns the lawn: YUCK! Have a great weekend - we are sad to not be in Idaho for the Annual Hill Family Camp-out eating dutch oven cooking until we have to be rolled out of there! NEXT Year!!!

Finally - we are saying goodbye to our dear friends the Tolboe's! We love you guys and are going to miss you so much! Thanks for always being such great friends, and ANY time you want to go camping in mid-July in Missouri's 100% humidity you know who to call!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tidbit Tuesday

If you could see my house, my hair, my clothes, and Sam crawling up the counters trying to get something to eat because he is hungry, you'll understand why this post is later in the day than normal. But I am SUPER excited to post this little tidbit!

#1: SuperHero Cape - This is the best, cheapest, and one of the easiest crafts I've sewn. Sam was so thrilled about it, and really the pattern is amazing because it is SIMPLE. I found the a superhero cape tutorial here. Sam got a 2 in 1 cape for $7.50! I am also making one for Jack with a "Super J" and the Incredible logo. Here's what you need:
  • 3/4 - 1 yard of two different colors of material
  • Felt pieces ($0.30/piece) for the logos
  • Heat & Bond Lite - iron on the logos with
  • Velcro

See the tutorial for step by step instruction, and pictures to go with it. They also have superhero capes for girls on the site as well! I loved it!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday Soup

Another week has come and gone! Time is really flying by - part of me is excited, because we are getting closer to "real life", the other part is getting sad because Shawn will be leaving for Waterloo in 2 weeks! We'll still be able to see him on the weekends - which we are so happy about!

Sam had his last day of preschool on Thursday. They met at the park and played, and we were able to come later and have a picnic with them. Sam has LOVED preschool and his teachers are amazing. We will really miss them! He also has some dear, dear friends at preschool and he will be missing them too!

Speaking of friends - here's a picture of Sam and some of the neighborhood "hoodlums." Our neighborhood is ideal for boys, we are surrounded by them. Sam loves his friends and they are all such fun boys.
Jack is SOOOO close to all out crawling! He gets a few paces and then flattens out on his belly. The lack of crawling doesn't stop him from getting around though. It is amazing how he finds ways to get what he wants - he pivots on his belly, rolls, army crawls, scoots, you name it does it. We weighed Jack this week with his clothes on he was 19 lbs. 9 oz. and 27.5 inches long! Its all in those cheeks!

Sam loves the movie BOLT and finds ways to either be a dog (Erica you'll be able to relate to this) or ways to incorporate the movie into our life. Here is the latest, greatest idea - Sam and Jack with their "marks of power" - Lightning Bolts! We hope you have had a great week too! We're off to see Angels and Demons!! Can't wait!

Monday, May 11, 2009

TidBit Tuesday - Word to Your Mother

Since I wasn't home last Tuesday to do a Mother's Day TidBit, you are getting it a little late! Mother's Day has become my favorite holiday - not because I get showered with gifts and love (which is really nice) but as a mother I really am so BLESSED. Being a mother is the greatest, most difficult, and most rewarding job ever. I have also been blessed to have two amazing examples of mothering, my mom and my mother-in-law. Thank you both for being such loving moms. Here's to all you Hot Momma's!

TidBit #1: The History teacher in me couldn't help but give the historical background to Mother's Day - which was first proposed in 1870 by Julia Ward Howe, who wrote a Mother's Day Proclamation. In 1907, Anna Jarvis started a movement to recognize her own mother who had passed away, and it was nationally recognized in the U.S. in 1914. President Woodrow Wilson signed it into law. Cool huh?

TidBit #2

Chicken & Veggie Kabobs - so good!

  • chicken breasts/and or steak cubed

  • red & green bell peppers - cubed

  • mushrooms whole

  • tomotoes - big cubes

  • zucchini - cubed

  • Zesty Italian Salad Dressing

Marinate for 3 hours, or overnight, skewer, and grill! This is what Shawn made me yesterday and it was so good. It's awesome with garlic mashed potatoes & fresh corn on the cob - and is by far my favorite summertime food.

TidBit #3:

Mother's Day Jars

What you'll need:
·Empty glass jar
·Enamel paint (purple, pink, yellow)

How to make it:
1. Be sure glass jar is clean, dry, and all labels have been completely removed.
2. Have children dip their fingertips into the paint and dot onto the glass to form the petals of the flowers.
3.Repeat this process to dot on the flower centers--alternate the colors (purple flower, yellow center, pink flower, purple center, etc).
5. Let paint dry and cure according to directions on enamel paint bottle. This may require baking in the oven, or a longer alternative is air drying for up to three weeks before using.
· Hold jar by the mouth to avoid bumping or grabbing any wet paint.
· Acrylic paints can be used; however they will wash off if jar is washed. To protect it better you can spray entire surface with acrylic sealer, however this can diminish the shiny surface of the glass.

Finally I have to brag a little bit, because I recieved the BEST gift ever. Shawn drew me a picture of Jack and I while I was in Idaho, and surprised me with it yesterday. He has also done a picture of Sam and me, and I love his incredible talent, but also that he captures so well some of the greatest moments in my life. Eat your hearts out ladies! (oh, and Happy Mother's Day to you all!)

"The noblest calling in the world is that of mother. True motherhood is the most beautiful of all arts, the greatest of all professions. She who can paint a masterpiece or who can write a book that will influence millions deserves the plaudits and admiration of mankind; but she who rears successfully a family of healthy, beautiful sons and daughters whose immortal souls will be exerting an influence throughout the ages long after painting shall have faded, and books and statues shall have been destroyed, deserves the highest honor that man can give."

David O. McKay

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday Soup

We've only been back since Wednesday night, but we've been soaking up the nice weather, and enjoying some of our dear friends. We went to a goodbye picnic on Friday night, and got to see a lot of our friends. We've met such wonderful people here, and we will miss them all. We also hit the DSM Farmer's Market with the Tolboe's (though I'm sure we'll make at least one more visit back before we leave Iowa). We will miss this weekend event. Sam got to ride the train, and eat some kettle corn so he was completely happy.

Jack is growing like a weed, but not crawling. I'm great with that, he's a lot easier to keep track of that way. But I can tell it won't be very long, since he's started to scoot backwards and rocks back and forth. The one thing he has graduated to, by his own choice, is REAL food! He won't have anything to do with baby food, or with me feeding him anything. He wants it all right in front of him and to shove it in his own mouth. I gave him a chocolate chip cookie the other day and he LOVED it! It was hilarious. I'm also loving the sweaty, clammy, sticky feet stage he is in. He literally sticks to the floor, his socks are soaked, and his feet stink (in a good way).

Sam continues to come up with some interesting ideas, my latest favorite is the additional 5 children he thinks we're having. The names are as follows: Ka-Chow, Da-Gum, Pinnochio (our personal favorite), Sal, and just to make it normal Brayden. All will be boys, since he doesn't like girl babies! I continue to struggle a little bit with Sam's attitude and "bossy britches" - but when he says things like this, I can't help but love every ounce of him.
(These glasses aren't prescription, he just likes wearing them!)