Monday, May 11, 2009

TidBit Tuesday - Word to Your Mother

Since I wasn't home last Tuesday to do a Mother's Day TidBit, you are getting it a little late! Mother's Day has become my favorite holiday - not because I get showered with gifts and love (which is really nice) but as a mother I really am so BLESSED. Being a mother is the greatest, most difficult, and most rewarding job ever. I have also been blessed to have two amazing examples of mothering, my mom and my mother-in-law. Thank you both for being such loving moms. Here's to all you Hot Momma's!

TidBit #1: The History teacher in me couldn't help but give the historical background to Mother's Day - which was first proposed in 1870 by Julia Ward Howe, who wrote a Mother's Day Proclamation. In 1907, Anna Jarvis started a movement to recognize her own mother who had passed away, and it was nationally recognized in the U.S. in 1914. President Woodrow Wilson signed it into law. Cool huh?

TidBit #2

Chicken & Veggie Kabobs - so good!

  • chicken breasts/and or steak cubed

  • red & green bell peppers - cubed

  • mushrooms whole

  • tomotoes - big cubes

  • zucchini - cubed

  • Zesty Italian Salad Dressing

Marinate for 3 hours, or overnight, skewer, and grill! This is what Shawn made me yesterday and it was so good. It's awesome with garlic mashed potatoes & fresh corn on the cob - and is by far my favorite summertime food.

TidBit #3:

Mother's Day Jars

What you'll need:
·Empty glass jar
·Enamel paint (purple, pink, yellow)

How to make it:
1. Be sure glass jar is clean, dry, and all labels have been completely removed.
2. Have children dip their fingertips into the paint and dot onto the glass to form the petals of the flowers.
3.Repeat this process to dot on the flower centers--alternate the colors (purple flower, yellow center, pink flower, purple center, etc).
5. Let paint dry and cure according to directions on enamel paint bottle. This may require baking in the oven, or a longer alternative is air drying for up to three weeks before using.
· Hold jar by the mouth to avoid bumping or grabbing any wet paint.
· Acrylic paints can be used; however they will wash off if jar is washed. To protect it better you can spray entire surface with acrylic sealer, however this can diminish the shiny surface of the glass.

Finally I have to brag a little bit, because I recieved the BEST gift ever. Shawn drew me a picture of Jack and I while I was in Idaho, and surprised me with it yesterday. He has also done a picture of Sam and me, and I love his incredible talent, but also that he captures so well some of the greatest moments in my life. Eat your hearts out ladies! (oh, and Happy Mother's Day to you all!)

"The noblest calling in the world is that of mother. True motherhood is the most beautiful of all arts, the greatest of all professions. She who can paint a masterpiece or who can write a book that will influence millions deserves the plaudits and admiration of mankind; but she who rears successfully a family of healthy, beautiful sons and daughters whose immortal souls will be exerting an influence throughout the ages long after painting shall have faded, and books and statues shall have been destroyed, deserves the highest honor that man can give."

David O. McKay


Cassie said...

love the artist drawing! He does awesome! Does he want a little extra cash in the pocket to do one for me?! j/k glad you had a great mothers day!

Andrea said...

Oh Megan that first picture of you and your 2 boys is precious. What a babe. And dang got some skills. I am truly amazed at how good it looks. What a talent. I am glad you had a great Mother's Day and such a nice trip to UT/ID.
And I am serious about that Super Why cape, so maybe some of your craftiness can rub off onto me.

My Everythings said...

that drawing is beautiful!

Nick and Brent said...

What a wonderful Mother's Day present! That truly is awesome!

Julie said...

What a beautiful Mothers Day tribute! I love the picture of you and the boys. The one Shawn drew made me cry!! What a special gift from the heart!! He is truly talented. I feel so blessed to have you as an example in my life! You are a great mother and such a wonderful gift to our family.

Brigit said...

Wow, another great pic by Shawn. It is so unfair that he received my artistic talent!! It looks like you had a fun trip to Idaho. The boys are getting so big. I can't wait to see you guys in a few months.

stephanie said...

that picture is amazing, i am glad i am related mabey i will cash in some day! Hope you had a great mothers day, we are off to the baseball tourney in Idaho! Have a great week!
Love ya, Steph

Courtney said...

All I can say is WOW! That picture Shawn drew for you is amazing. What an awesome gift, one you can hold on to forever!

Mandi said...

Thing 1: totally eating my heart out, Love the drawing, once shawn is a podiatrist he is going to make his other million on the side doing artwork. Amazing

Thing 2: I am so mad at you and Katie for ditching the race even though you have good reason. We were going to have so much fun!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful drawing. That truly is amazing. Sounds like you had a great day & the recipe sounds delicious.

Freeman Family said...

What an amazing talent Shawn has! I secretly saw him working away on something when you were gone ( I am so nosey!!) and was wondering what it was! Love the picture with you and the boys! I'd love to see the one he did with you and Sam sometime!

{Erica} said...

loved this post! HOLY CRAPPERS SHAWN!!! That's super super rad! (I also love that he drew one of my top three favorite pictures I took that day...:P)

miss you...

Erin King said...

Meg, that picture of you with your two boys made me think "Wow, Megan is only looking more and more like her sisters!" A mix between Bobby Jo and Katie :) Shawn's art never fails to amaze me. Don't ever let him get too busy that he stops doing it :) Love you!