Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday Soup

We've only been back since Wednesday night, but we've been soaking up the nice weather, and enjoying some of our dear friends. We went to a goodbye picnic on Friday night, and got to see a lot of our friends. We've met such wonderful people here, and we will miss them all. We also hit the DSM Farmer's Market with the Tolboe's (though I'm sure we'll make at least one more visit back before we leave Iowa). We will miss this weekend event. Sam got to ride the train, and eat some kettle corn so he was completely happy.

Jack is growing like a weed, but not crawling. I'm great with that, he's a lot easier to keep track of that way. But I can tell it won't be very long, since he's started to scoot backwards and rocks back and forth. The one thing he has graduated to, by his own choice, is REAL food! He won't have anything to do with baby food, or with me feeding him anything. He wants it all right in front of him and to shove it in his own mouth. I gave him a chocolate chip cookie the other day and he LOVED it! It was hilarious. I'm also loving the sweaty, clammy, sticky feet stage he is in. He literally sticks to the floor, his socks are soaked, and his feet stink (in a good way).

Sam continues to come up with some interesting ideas, my latest favorite is the additional 5 children he thinks we're having. The names are as follows: Ka-Chow, Da-Gum, Pinnochio (our personal favorite), Sal, and just to make it normal Brayden. All will be boys, since he doesn't like girl babies! I continue to struggle a little bit with Sam's attitude and "bossy britches" - but when he says things like this, I can't help but love every ounce of him.
(These glasses aren't prescription, he just likes wearing them!)


Nicolette said...

I personally like Ka-Chow--makes me crave chinese food for some reason. I'm sorry Sam, but your mommy really needs a girl; they are so sweet! Love you and when are you guys moving?

Colette said...

Glad you made it back home safely! The things Sam says are so cute. Five more children, huh, and such clever names. Jack's face is so cute, with and without chocolate chip cookies!

Amber said...

kettle corn is sounding pretty good about now!haha. it's good to know that your almost 4 year old has attitude too cuz i'm at my wits end with Brylee's! but they are so sweet sometimes too. 5 more boys huh? i remember you saying once that you wanted all boys so maybe it's going to happen;) Sam looks cute in those glasses...very grown up!

Anonymous said...

I love the farmer's market! Hopefully we are going on Saturday.

Love the names Sam has picked out for your five other children. :) He is such a funny kid! Hope you had a great Mother's day!