Friday, March 23, 2012

I'd rather Eat Dirt

The weather has been too beautiful to make time for indoors, and that includes blogging. The kids have been soaking up the 70-80 degree temps; and I'm not complaining. I really love spring here - there are so many plants that blossom these incredibly bright beautiful blooms and it brightens every corner. One of my favorites of these is called Forsynthia. My good friend has a ton of these plants in her yard she she cut me a huge bough and brought it over. The yellow is so bright and it makes me feel so "springy!" Sam organized a family baseball game Boston v. Yankees - Sam, Jack, Lyv were the Yankees and Shawn and I descended to mingle with the commoners as the Socks! It only lasted maybe 10 minutes before Lyv was off hula hooping, and Jack was using the bat as a hammer, but it was fun while it lasted.

The only downer to spring and warmer temperatures is the increased presence of dirt and mud. On shoes, socks, feet, fingers, clothes, floors, bathtub, sinks, everywhere! You just can't escape it. Lyv must have taken the attitude of if you can't beat em' join em' and has decided to start eating the dirt! This is serious business, not just a little nibble, we are talking spoonfuls via the garden shovel of nasty, graveling, who knows what is in there dirt! It is disgusting, and I can't get her to stop. Does she have pica? Is she anemic? I'm not sure but she'd rather eat dirt! I haven't been able to get a good picture of her dirt goatee, in this you can only see a little remnant in the corner of her mouth! Shawn just googled why kids eat dirt, and he confirmed the pica suspicion, but he also read that it could be related to mental retardation! So if she is still doing this when she's a teenager, there might be a problem!)


Beth Willmore said...

Oh my heck I am seriously laughing so hard right now! Good luck with the dirt eating! I'm with you- if she's doing it when she's no longer a toddler, then maybe I'd worry. For now I'd just make her drink hand sanitizer... ha ha I crack myself up!

Ashton & Co. said...

The pic of that plant looks like it should belong in Good Housekeeping or something. So cool. Looks like fun spirng time games at the summers home!!! The kids look so cute and I love that Jack likes to go slow on the bike. Totally not what i thought you were going to write. Oh, and all my kids have loved dirt. Sadie ate lint. Crazy what your stomache can handle!!! ;) Love you guys!