Monday, April 9, 2012


For Easter we were lucky to have our friends the Teusher's up from Virginia. The kids played and played and played non-stop. It was so nice to have familiar faces and a constant friend. We dyed Easter Eggs and then hid them for the kids. They loved hunting for the eggs. I found myself resorting to tricks that my dad used when hiding our easter eggs - in the trees, in the car wheels, in the bkb hoop stand... I loved his creativity.
This is Sam's new favorite pose for pictures. Uncle Jake did this once and it is now the standard of "cool" for Sam and so you'll see these awesome fingers in most pictures!

The Kids with their loot!

Then we dressed the kids up in the Sunday best - and Lyv especially was pleased as punch to pose her new duds!

We followed up our great church meeting (Shawn spoke and gave a wonderful talk on the atonement) with a lamb and peas and potatoes supper! I love Easter, and am so grateful for our Savior, for His life, His death, and His ressurrection.


Julie said...

The kids look so adorable!! Their new clothes look so spring time and cute. I sure miss you all. Glad you had a great day. Love to all!!

Freeman Family said...

I still remember the Easter you were hiding eggs in the backyard and I had to pull the blinds so the kids wouldn't see! I think of that every Easter and how much I miss you guys in the backyard! The kids all look so cute. Lyv is a little lady and Jack is so dapper in his sweater vest with his grin! Can you believe the boys with be 7 soon? Sam is such a handsome young man! Happy belated Easter!