Having visitors is always great because we usually go sightseeing. This time was no different, except it was just the boys. The temperature was supposed to be in the 100's plus a heavy dose of humidity, so Lyv and I opted to pass on this trip, and relax at home. The boys headed down to D.C. on Saturday morning and stopped first at Arlington Cemetery. The boys thought the soldiers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers were pretty impressive.
The two brothers - Jake not so little anymore is a few inches taller than Shawn.
After sweating it out at Arlington, they decided to head to the hotel to swim HOWEVER... all hell broke loose! Unbeknownst to Shawn, the night before a huge storm had torn through D.C. and it's suburbs and left over 2 million people without power, including the hotel they had reservations at. For nearly 6 hours Shawn and I tried to find a place for them to stay. The problem was that people started to go to hotels further outside of D.C., and so it was impossible to find a hotel within a 150 miles radius. They ended up driving back north 2 hours to a town above Baltimore, Maryland. This put a little wrinkle in their plans tacking on an extra 1 1/2 drive each way. So they decided to just hit the mall hard the next day, and head back home on Monday!
They visited the Smithsonians: The Natural History Museum & the Air & Space Museum
The Spirit of St. Louis & the Wright Brother's first Airplane
A favorite was the WWII Memorial because they got to soak their feet in the pool there. They also saw the Declaration of Independence at the National Archives and the U.S. Capitol building.
The boys are standing in between Idaho and Utah! Woo! Woo!
A visit to D.C. isn't the same without saying hello to Cousin Abe! or to the President.
The boys striking quite a pose. Despite the set back caused by the storm, they had a great time, and saw a lot of really cool stuff. I wouldn't mind heading there again before we leave, but until then... adios D.C.