Tuesday, August 13, 2013

30 and Fab!

It's official...I'm 30.  Okay I've been 30 for over a week, but I finally posted it.  I was really looking forward to my 30's.  Mostly because I've always been asked if I'm old enough to be married, to have kids, etc.  Hopefully know, I'm appearing to be more "age appropriate" to these roles in life.  I am lucky enough to share my birthday with my sweetie pie little brother (who looks like a wild man in this pic).  The older I get the more I appreciate that my birthday reminds me of him and all the good times we've had.  He is a blessing in my life.  

I partied the entire weekend, having an awesome dinner with my parents and siblings - a rare occurrence!  Then Shawn sent me a surprise in the mail....new camera lenses for my camera!!  I loved it because it is exactly what I wanted and I didn't even have to tell him....it's taken 11 years for us to develop telepathy:)  Shawn wined and dined me for 2 days straight completing it was a date to an awesome restaurant and a strawberry cheesecake with the kids.  30 years of life has brought many experiences, thousands of miles traveled, several places we've called home, and many lessons learned.  I feel extremely blessed for the life that I've been given, for family I proudly call my own, and for my wonderful friends who constantly remind me of their goodness.  Here's to 30 and many, many more!

1 comment:

Beth Willmore said...

Happy late birthday! I LOVE that pic of you and JD, cracks me up that he kind of looks like someone you'd find in an abandoned railroad car... good thing we love him anyway!

Strawberry cheesecake sounds amazing since you mentioned it, could you send some my way??

Glad you had a great couple of days, and you definitely don't look 30!