After getting home from Christmas he really found his walking groove and has taken off….as the blurry picture above shows, he is sprinting to most places around the house. Because of Mr. Hurrypants, many new bruises have made their appearance on his sweet little head, but it doesn't seem to slow him down. He isn't saying many words yet. The short list consists of Uh-oh (no brainer there); dadda; night, night; and he only says mama when its associated with me getting him food. (Sad to say that he only used me for food, I'm wondering if this perception will every change?) He thinks he's a lot older than he is, and gets himself into quite a few pickles - the chairs and tables are his favorite death defying spots.
A new love balls and drawers. He really seems interested in balls and loves playing "catch". I don't mind this it's the drawer obsession that gets me. He loves to empty out the contents and then crawl inside. Most of these drawers can't support his weight so it's only a matter of time before we'll be replacing a broken drawer and stitching up a broken head (he stand inside the drawer in the bathroom second from the top AHHH!)
He also loves a random game of peek-a-boo so he can show of his mad skills and say "Here he is!" Still loving this sweet boy, though my trip with my roommates last week really helped him break his need for me. He's become quite the daddy's boy. I've got to admit it breaks my heart a little bit.
Lyvie LOVES preschool! She cracks me up because she reminds me so much of myself as a student. She soaks it ALL in. She loves to do things just right, and isn't happy unless she is completely and totally involved. We had a great time today hosting preschool today and Lyv got to do her favorite thing - paint! (Notice her OCD need to stay in the lines…she's a girl after my own heart.)
Max and Parker are two peas in a pod even though they live across the country. Oh the trouble we'd find them in if they were together. :) Max is so darn cute. He knows he's a little smartie too with those facial expressions.
I have to say as much as I complain about the wild, crazy, wrestling maniacs that my boys are; I secretly LOVE it! I would much rather have a wild one than docile! Max is positively adorable!
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