Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Veteran's Day Concert - Preview of Christmas Surprises

The 4th grade put on a concert to celebrate Veteran's Day.  They sang many patriotic songs recognizing each branch of the armed forces and had several veterans in the audience.  I don't know what it is about veteran's but I have a great love for men and women who have sacrificed so much for their country.  Everytime a new branch of the the armed forces would stand to be sang to and recognized tears rolled down my cheeks!  I'm a thankful for Veteran's Day where we are given a chance to recognize all those who fight to preserve freedom.

Sam got to post a picture of a veteran he knows - here he is with his great-grandpa Grant, who served in the Navy during WWII on a minesweeper.  We have heard many amazing stories and are grateful for his service.

Finally after much anticipation on my part - the Summers' family is going to put together a recreated moments calendar for their parents!  Here's a little practice session we had last night:)

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