Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Max's 3rd Birthday

Where has the time gone?  Max turned 3 on November 11!  My baby is no longer a baby and my heart broke slightly as I realized that he's only going to get bigger, older, and more independent.  He is such a sweet boy and has brought so much love into our house.  He still loves to play with my hair, he loves Mickey Mouse, Big Hero 6, and his best friend Josh.  He is a terrible eater and survives on cereal and ham sandwiches…he loves candy and apple cider…he is the best player ever, and will play independently for hours.  He loves trains, cars, puzzles, and play dough…and is a little OCD (thanks to me) he lines his cars up by color and character:) His favorite book is Thomas and the School Trip.  Max still ends up in bed with me most nights and I know that I will miss him when he grows out of that.

Due to the holiday all the kids were home to celebrate - so we opened present right after breakfast.  Max was a little overwhelmed by all the attention the older kids were giving him, but once he saw that there were gifts inside that wrapping paper - he loved it!

He wanted a Big Hero 6 cake so this is what we ended up with - simple and easy and I was good with that.

Max wanted to eat pizza for lunch but after getting his soda, drank his lunch instead - silly boy!

After Shawn got home we sang Happy Birthday and dove into the cake - Jack kind of stole Max's thunder by blowing out the candle before Max got a chance…Max couldn't figure out what had gone wrong!  We love you Max more than words or pictures could say!

Max loves music and this is a typical spot to find him - listening to "Booty Bus" or Budapest by George Ezra for the hundredth time!  (with a little bowl of candy)!

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