Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Starting School and other September Happenings

 After weeks of activity - we had our first/last week before school started.  On one of these wonderful nights, I found the kids and Shawn playing football in the back yard.  The night was amazing, the sunset was breathtaking, and I had to snap a few shots of these small fleeting moments.  This is what I want to remember when I look back on the kids' childhood and our time together…being at home, enjoying the beauty that surrounds us, and having fun together.

*In other news - Shawn is helping coach Sam's football team this year.  We went to sign Sam up, and were a few days late due to our vacation in Idaho.  When we arrived they told us they had too many kids to sign up any additional players….unless they could find other willing coaches!  What a great father to volunteer his time, and its a lot of time, to allow 20 more kids to play football this year.  Sam is having a good experience and learning a lot.  The team this year isn't winning, and so that has made it difficult for Sam coming off of last seasons winning record.  But he is learning new positions and I think improving in his athleticism overall.

These two…lately have been such good friends, and I find myself being awe struck at how much they look alike.  I had never thought that until a few months ago going through some of Lyv's old school stuff there was a picture of her with her hair pulled back and just her face…and my first thought was Max!  They have been playing Survivor and Owner a lot lately. I love the imagination that these games allow to come out and the time they spend outside playing in the playset.

With school's return I found myself in the capable hands of a very dear friend who taught me how to can peaches!  This is a first for me…canning always seemed like way too much work for the cost/time - but this wasn't bad and the results are delicious.  My kids LOVE them!

First day of school:  I have 4 kids in 3 schools this year, which makes for a busy day.  But two weeks in and all of the kids are doing well, enjoying their classes and their teachers and end the day happy!  So that is a win in my book.  Jack and Lyv are at Cottonwood - 2nd (Mrs. Cone) and 1st (Mrs. Petre)

Sam has moved on up to the middle school (5th grade) - and started a rotating schedule, which he really loves.  This made me a bit sad thinking of him not having recess anymore, or being involved in school programs, etc. but he is loving being "older".

 The boys went to the 1st BYU game in Arizona over Labor Day weekend and that left me with these two cuties!  It really was a fun, relaxing, peaceful weekend without the boys and we hit up the park, had a picnic at school, and went to the movies!  Life couldn't get much better than that!

 Jack turned 8!!!  Yikes…I'm getting old!  I can't believe he is 8 years old.  He is so excited to get baptized next month, and I think feels a little more mature with the new age.  His actual birthday was on a school day - so we celebrated the best we could - breakfast of his choice, lunch at the school together, and dinner at Wendy's!  He was happy about each one of those ideas.  Jack continues to be such a happy, fun loving, sweet boy.  He is still a lover of books and reads any words that pop before his eyes.  He loves science and non-fiction, and loves to research things like weather, natural disasters, the solar system, and his new favorite show - Hacking the System, gives him tips for everyday survival and life! He brings so much laughter in our house and continues to roll with whatever life hands him….falling a bit still but always up cracking a joke about it!  I love that this past year he has been so much more willing to try new things - he tried water skiing this summer, and mastered snow skiing this past winter.  He also has learned to love sushi!  He still loves soda and candy of all kinds… I'm sure our dentist will love that about him.  We love this kid~
 Jack's birthday, was also Max's 1st day of preschool!  Wesley preschool for this boy on Tuesday and Thursday.  He was SOOOO excited to start.  I think having older siblings at school has rubbed off on him, and he thinks he should be attending school daily as well.  We pulled up and he said, "mom, I'm a big boy - I go myself!"  WHAT!  When did he get so big!

 Lyv also started her first day of gymnastics on Jack's birthday - and she is determined to be the next Simone Billes!  I love watching her and am excited to see her improve in this.

The next weekend I had the great privilege of going on a trip with my BYU Freshman year roommates.  The six of us continue to get together every two years - and it is the best group of ladies in the world as far as I am concerned.  We also pick up right where we left off.  We are each very different, each very unique, but we love each other dearly, and continue to support and cheer each other on as our life brings changes and challenges.  I always come away from these trips feeling determined to be a better mom, wife, and friend.  Those are good peeps in my opinion!

 Our trip was Carolina Beach, North Carolina - and it was a perfect, relaxing weekend!

 Shawn and his lawn…he worked SO SO hard on getting this grass in, and it is the best looking grass on our road!  He just loves it!  It must be the Idaho farm boy in him:)

 Finally we celebrated Jack's birthday with a real party…to the trampoline park with a few of his buddies! Jack has some really wonderful friends.  I'm so grateful for their positive influence on him, since he tends to be more of a introvert at times.  These boys had a great time!

 Oh Max…this has become a very familiar scene at our house…the iPad and Max are becoming a little too close in my opinion.
 Last but not least…introducing Stone!  The newest member of our family.  He will be joining us in October and we couldn't be more excited!

1 comment:

Freeman Family said...

What? Now I know you have totally lost your mind! A dog? Oh my...I think they should put your picture in Websters under Superwoman! A puppy is more work than an newborn, oh wait, you'll have one of those soon too! Why not? Love it! Miss you guys a ton!