Monday, October 10, 2016

The BIG News

We've waited patiently to let the cat out of the bag, and finally we were able to make an exciting announcement....We are having baby #5....and its a GIRL!  Hooray!  We debated back and forth about whether our family was complete.  I kept having this nagging feeling that I couldn't quite settle within myself.  I made Shawn a proposal, and gave him a window for trying to see if we would get pregnant.  He agreed that we should just see, and it happened!  We decided to wait to tell our families until we found out the baby's gender, so it wouldn't drag on like pregnancies seem to do!

Keeping baby girl a secret proved to be a challenge due to several family events we had this summer...Grants memorial, Jake's wedding, Uncle DeLoy's funeral, the Cedergreen sealing...we had a lot of family time!  We normally love that, but since we were trying to keep this a little more hush hush, it was hard to suck in all the time!

We found out on Sept 20th, and I honestly felt like it was going to be a girl, but didn't want to get my hopes up so I kept telling myself...boy, boy, boy!  Lyv was convinced if she prayed hard enough that Jesus would answer her pleas to have a sister.  I wasn't going to go that far.  I would have been happy either way, but I really am delighted that Lyv will get the chance to have a sister.  Baby Girl Summers is due February 12, 2017!

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