Saturday, January 17, 2009

Summers Sons' Saturday Soup - OVER and UNDER the WEATHER

Yes as the title indicates we've been all battling back from sniffles and sneezes. It hit me with avengence on Tuesday night and I am so grateful for my two wonderful and patient boys who let me lounge around on Wednesday and rest up, and for Shawn braving the cold to get me some cough drops and surprising me with some yummy ice cream (ice cream is like medicine right?).

We are also soooooo over the freezing cold weather! YUCK! Thursday Sam's preschool was cancelled because the high for the day was going to be -15, and that isn't factoring in wind chill that puts it 10-15 degrees colder. It is bitterly cold and we are hoping and praying that the weather gets better sooner than later. We are however excited to report alot of fun new updates with the boys:

1. Sam is officially in Primary! Our little Sunbeam wasn't too pleased to be in primary and cried most of the time (Uncle JD will be so pleased that he doesn't like church) Hopefully this week will go a little smoother. I still can't believe how quickly time flys and that he is really big enough to be in Primary.
2. Jack had his 4 months check up and the little porker weighed in at 15 lbs. 15 oz. and is 25.5 inches long!! Yes he had grown a bunch in the past two months and is now in the 75% in weight and height. He is still the GREATEST baby ever. He has started to eat rice cereal and seems to like it, though it ends up on his face for most part.
3. Shawn and I met with our realtors and are going to start the process of selling our house! We are so sad. This has been our first home and we've loved it. We just hope that things will go smoothly and that we will be able to sell the house sooner than later.....

4. Sam has discovered a LOVE for Golf that is Wii Golf. He is quite the little pro except when it comes to putting he doesn't understand "tapping" it in, but he thinks its funny to hit it over and over again!
5. Jack has started to scoot ... so its the funniest thing you can ever imagine and I'll try to post a video of him doing it soon. He puts his hands up by his head and does this back thrust and manages to move from one end of the room to the next. It is so funny.

Finally have our digital camera back!!! YEA!! I really wanted to post a thousand pictures and I've been taking all the pictures my heart desired, but I settled with five! Have a happy week everyone. Jack was so excited that American Idol is back on - we love Kara!!!


Elise said...

Hey Megan, it's fun to see what you and your boys are up to. I'm sorry you are sick. I totally cream is medicine! It cures me all the time. :) I'm glad your camera is back in action.

Anonymous said...

You have alot going on. I am with you on being over the cold I am ready for spring. I didn't know you were selling your house. Where are you moving?
American idol and Wii golf are favorites around here as well. So excited for the new season!

Anonymous said...

P.S. your boys are too cute!

Brigit said...

Sorry you have been under the weather. It is really unfair when mom gets sick!! Sorry about the cold temps. I have been thinking about you guys. I potty trained Tyce in January when we lived in Iowa because I never left the house. It was always too cold!! Move to Denver - it was 69 degrees this afternoon! Good luck selling the house!! Give the boys a squeeze from me!! I can't believe how big Jack is getting!!

Freeman Family said...

Hey there..So sorry you are sick. I really want to get together when everyone is over the crud! We should buy stock in Kleenex and cough drops. What a porkchop Jack is, I think it is all in his kissable cheeks! You know, you don't have to sell your house if it makes you so sad! :) Iowa isn't so bad, it will be spring soon! We love Sam's snowman!

Ashton & Co. said...

What great accomplishments! :) The boys are as darling as usual. Cute pic of you kissing your big little fella! I miss you guys! Give the boys xoxoxoxo from their favorite aunt! :)