Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday Soup

Another week has come and gone! Time is really flying by - part of me is excited, because we are getting closer to "real life", the other part is getting sad because Shawn will be leaving for Waterloo in 2 weeks! We'll still be able to see him on the weekends - which we are so happy about!

Sam had his last day of preschool on Thursday. They met at the park and played, and we were able to come later and have a picnic with them. Sam has LOVED preschool and his teachers are amazing. We will really miss them! He also has some dear, dear friends at preschool and he will be missing them too!

Speaking of friends - here's a picture of Sam and some of the neighborhood "hoodlums." Our neighborhood is ideal for boys, we are surrounded by them. Sam loves his friends and they are all such fun boys.
Jack is SOOOO close to all out crawling! He gets a few paces and then flattens out on his belly. The lack of crawling doesn't stop him from getting around though. It is amazing how he finds ways to get what he wants - he pivots on his belly, rolls, army crawls, scoots, you name it does it. We weighed Jack this week with his clothes on he was 19 lbs. 9 oz. and 27.5 inches long! Its all in those cheeks!

Sam loves the movie BOLT and finds ways to either be a dog (Erica you'll be able to relate to this) or ways to incorporate the movie into our life. Here is the latest, greatest idea - Sam and Jack with their "marks of power" - Lightning Bolts! We hope you have had a great week too! We're off to see Angels and Demons!! Can't wait!


Andrea said...

We like the movie Bolt too. It is a cute one. Those two Summer's boys are so dang cute. It was fun at the park last week seeing them all play together. I love the one of Jack in the swing.

Ashton & Co. said...

OH my goodness your boys are too cute. Everytime I see anything to do with Bolt I think of Sam. Great pics!