Saturday, May 23, 2009

Saturday Soup

This week has been a really great week with the boys. Starting off with the fun superhero capes, ending with a slip and slide and 7 days without interuption with SHAWN!!! I finished Jack's cape on Wednesday and Sam wanted to wear them to eat lunch with Shawn. I got the cutest picture of them all together. The rest of this week was spent mostly outside (I've got a killer Farmer's Tan) and we topped it off with Slip and Slide 101; instructor: Mommy. I just couldn't help myself, clothes and all to show Sam how it was done! No pictures, sorry. Jack is officially crawling, although he still pulls out the good old army crawl, especially when he is being pursued by Sam. It is amazing how fast he is! It is also incredible how now that he is only 6 inches high on his hands and knees, he gets into EVERYTHING!! Sam has had a really great week riding his bike, playing in the swimming pool, swinging, you get the idea... He told me that boys don't get married and that he wants to live with me forever! I'll remind him of that when he's 16 and tells me how he can't wait to get out of our house!

Shawn finished his last day of "school" yesterday! Shawn has done so well in school and we are so proud of his hardwork! He is done with clinic and has 1 week of vacation and our goal is to make the most of every minute, since Shawn leaves to Waterloo for the month of June.
No house news - the For Sale sign still adorns the lawn: YUCK! Have a great weekend - we are sad to not be in Idaho for the Annual Hill Family Camp-out eating dutch oven cooking until we have to be rolled out of there! NEXT Year!!!

Finally - we are saying goodbye to our dear friends the Tolboe's! We love you guys and are going to miss you so much! Thanks for always being such great friends, and ANY time you want to go camping in mid-July in Missouri's 100% humidity you know who to call!


Freeman Family said...

Oh man..I SO wished I would have hung around to see the slip n slide demonstration! You are too crazy! Have a great week spending time with your hubby! Please let us know if we can watch the kiddos so you can have some one on one time before he goes! We would love to have them!

Jennilyn said...

Megan, why did you have to go and get all mushy on me... You know my hormones can't control the tears right now! Words cannot express how much we are going to miss you guys and all the fun times we had together. These times are priceless and we love you So much! Thanks for always being there and for being such a great friend. OH and thanks Shawn for putting up with Christian.

Take care and we will see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Those capes are so cute! Good luck with the house!

Biorn Family Blog said...

Congrats on the last day of school Shawn. It all seem just so crazy we should all be so grown up. I was watching a family tape that Aunt Judy made the other day. We were at the McDonalds B-day party of yours where the employee asked your name, to which you replied, "Shawny-Boy Kelly Summers"! Is that Dr. Shawny Boy now?!

Anonymous said...

You guys sure do have a TON going on. Congratulations to Shawn!
The slip & slide demo I would have LOVED to see.
The capes turned out adorable. My Mom made those for my boys when they were younger. They LOVED them. I love the princess one on the website. I might have to attempt that one for Ashlynn.
You have such a darling family. The ward will really miss you when you go!

Liz Cellan said...

Meg, we missed you at the reunion. It was nice and tons of fun as usual. Here's to being ther next year!