Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saturday Soup - on Sunday

So I've become a pretty bad blogger! Part of me thinks this is good. I'm not on the computer as much, hopefully that means my time is being spent in better ways right?? The other part is sad that at least for my boys' sake I'm not being very diligent about journaling the happenings of our life the past few months! Here's what's new:

FaLl - I'm totally falling for fall! The weather has been great, the colors are beautiful, and the leaves are super Crunchy! We played in the leaves this week and built a huge pile to jump in. Both boys loved them! I used to love to build a leaf house when I was little and was wishing I had a rake so we could get to work. (Don't you love Sam's outfit here? He has a total mind of his own when it comes to putting things together - he got the crown from Primary, and insisted on wearing his cowboy boots!)

Utah County: We've been hitting the ol' stomping grounds the past two weeks. First we went to the Bean Museum for Shawn's Columbus Day holiday and the boys loved it! They had great picture scavenger hunt that Sam loved completing and Jack liked tearing apart the accenting plants and foliage. Then we went to the BYU v. TCU game last night, which wasn't as big of a success as we were hoping for! The boys had fun being with cousins and watching the games amist the other Cougar Fans!
Doesn't that lion looks like its about ready to attack Sam and that he's running for his life? Lavell Edwards Stadium

Go Cougars
BYU Blue - Luke, Sam, Tanner
Jack and Leah

FuN: The rest of our weeks are made up of playing with toys, going to the park, starting swimming lessons (Yea!), and doing the routine things around the house. We're SUPER excited for Halloween and are heading up to Idaho for trick or treating. We hope you are all having a super week too!

Sam's a really good shot with his bow and arrow;)

(Are they actually becoming buddies? Maybe....)

King of the Chair! Jack LOVES this chair and if anything or anyone (Sam) is caught sitting in it, he will throw you out! He thinks he's pretty hot stuff! He has also learned how to give kiss, super slobbery, shake his head no, and direct us to what he wants by sticking his arm in the general direction. Jack also has a HUGE sweet tooth, eats everything in one bite, and has learned to throw a tantrum with fake cry and all!


Anonymous said...

I could say how about those Cougars Saturday night...but.... :D KIDDING!! Bummer. Quinn watched it and he was bummed they didn't win.

Your boys are getting so big! I love the pictures of them in the leaves! I am hoping to get a few of Cam in the leaves this week. So cute!

Colette said...

Sam has found quite a target with his arrows and Jack. Jack is so cute in that chair! Don't you love it when your kids actually act like they like each other. They are about the same age apart as my two boys and even though they fight, they are best of buds, hope for the same for Sam and Jack.

Julie said...

What cutie pies!! I love the outfits that Sam puts together!! I am so excited to be "haunted" by all of you this weekend!! Love you all!!

Ashton & Co. said...

Super great pics...sorry we missed you guys this weekend! Can't wait to see you next...!

suds2004 said...

I was just browsing blogs and wanted to say hi. What cute boys you have! Is Shawn at the VA hospital in Salt Lake? We are going to be in Utah for a few months this winter maybe we will run into you.


Mandi said...

Hey I was just wondering if you could email me your mailing address. We are really missing Sam in preschool and I would like to mail him some of the things we have been working on if that is okay with you.

P.s. your boys are quite handsome little fellows!