Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thanksgiving TidBit Tuesday

Happy Thanksgiving to all! We love Thanksgiving here in our house, and I especially make it a point to do things centered around this sadly, overlooked and almost forgotten holiday (Christmas commercials are already all over! AHHHH!!) Yes I'm one of those -- we don't listen to Christmas music, look at Christmas decor, think Christmas thoughts until we've fully stuffed ourselves sick on a yummy Thanksgiving Dinner. Since I'm going to be baking some yummy treats for our own celebration next Tuesday, here are some fun crafts, treats, and games to help you celebrate your Turkey Day! Enjoy and have a very happy Thanksgiving!
(I'm loving that Sam is pulling up his pants in this pic and pulling such a goofy smile!
Don't you love our turkey, named Sparkles because I accidently bought sparkly paint!)

Sweet Turkey Treats:
Candy Corn
Take 1/2 of an oreo cookie to use as the base of the turkey. Take one whole oreo cookie and use as the body sticking into the 1/2 oreo's frosting. Use frosting to attach whopper as the head, candy corn as the beak and feathers, and to pipe eyes. (We tried using Reese's Pieces for eyes too) Enjoy!
Turkey Time Game:
1 piece of paper divided into 4 squares
2 die/ team
Objective: Each team (2 players per team) tries to be the first to draw a turkey by rolling a pair of dice in the correct order.
Divide group into teams of sets. Each team will be creating their own turkey by drawing the turkey parts. ONe team player will do the drawing while the other team player rolls the dice. When the leader says start, each team begins. THe turkey MUST be drawn in order start with the body.
1 - Body
2 - neck and head
3 - beak and gobble
4 - eyes
5 - legs
6 - feathers (6 times)
Double six - your turkey's been shot, start over.
After rolling a one, then you must roll a two, and so on until you complete your turkey. The six is the feathers and must be rolled six seperate times for each of the six feathers. Once a complete turkey is drawn, the team yells "Gobble, Gobble, Gobble" and the round ends. If you roll a double at anytime your turkey has been shot. You have to cross it out and start over on a new square. Its a really fun game and easy for all ages to do.

Girls Pilgrim Hat
Materials Needed:
12 x 18 Piece of White Paper
White Ribbon or Yarn
Instructions: Fold the piece of paper in half the long way, then unfold it so you can see the crease. Now fold up one side of the paper so the edge is even with the crease (folded up along the dotted line on the image). On the other side of the crease, cut two slits, evenly spaced as shown in the image, going almost all the way to the center crease.
Now poke a hole on each end of the folded half of the paper portrayed by the dots on the image. Cut 2 pieces of ribbon, about 15-inches long, and tie one end of each ribbon to the hole you poked. The folded section will be the front/brim area of the hat and the ribbons can be tied under the chin or left hanging at the side of the head.
Notice the "+" I made on the 3 'flaps' created by the slits you cut in the other half of the paper? The 2 outside flaps are brought together under the middle flap - imagine lining up all the +'s in the image. Staple these 3 together and this will form your finished bonnet!

Indian Headband
Materials Needed:
Construction Paper

1. Cut headband (2-1/2" x 24") out of brown construction paper. Fit the band of construction paper around the person’s head that will be wearing it. Holding it together, remove and staple where the construction paper overlaps.
2. Cut 5 feathers out of different colored construction paper. Cut small slits along the edge of each feather - but not too deep. Glue feathers to the back of the headband. Lay feathers on a flat surface and allow to dry.

Three Cups of Tea - if you are looking for a good book to read, pick this up. Random maybe on a Thanksgiving post, but this is an incredible TRUE story of one man's life pursuit to educate children in Pakistan and Afghanistan as a means to not only help them, but to give them other options than terrorism. It is written in an easy to read story and the things that take place will amaze and inspire you. It made me especially grateful to live in the U.S. where we have public education offered to all, to be a women in the U.S. where I can pursue my dreams and goals, and to have freedom to do that. Really a great book!


Andrea said...

Great ideas Megan. Those Oreos are so dang cute. I am with you on at least the Christmas music part. I can't stand listening to Christmas music as soon as Halloween is over. Thats a little overkill. I do however LOVE it during the month of Dec.
I hope all is well. Miss you guys.

cortney and neil said...

Man Meg, I wish I was half the mom that you are. You never cease to amaze me.

lori said...

Life has been a little crazy lately and I have not had time to blog. I had forgotten how much I LOVED your Tuesday posts. The breakfast spider too cute man I wish I would have jumped on before Halloween. I can't wait to make your thanksgiving turkeys SOOO fun!
Looks like you are all well. Have a great day!

Ashton & Co. said...

Way too many cute ideas...you are so creative! I sent you a bunch of e-mails... Let me know if you got them and I will send you more. Also, nice reflection post. We must all be in the "thankful" mood!

Megan and Shawn said...

Hey woman, your dreams and goals better include making me dinner.

Your loving husband,

Megan and Shawn said...

just kidding (probably better throw that in there)

Nick and Brent said...

You must be the best mom, where do you come up with these ideas? I love your recipes and tidbits, keep them coming!