Monday, June 13, 2011

For Papa Rick

As a Hill daughter, I grew up knowing that there was only one team that mattered in Baseball - that is the Yankees. Call them what you will, they are the greatest team in the history of baseball, and I feel like I had a rite of passage on Saturday. We went to Yankee Stadium in the Bronx - the new stadium and watched them play and beat the Cleveland Indians in 9 innings.

The boys were super excited to go, because we recieved free hats and we each got a shirt. Sam was especially happy about this so that Grandpa Rick won't tease him anymore (he wore his Boston Red Sox apparell home on our last visit and recieved a quick reprimand from Grandpa!) I have to say that there is nothing quite like watching a live baseball game, the atmosphere there is unique. I love the oneness you feel with the crowd, the smell of fatty food and sweets, and singing Take Me Out to the Ball game at the 7th inning stretch. It was a great day.


Julie said...

Sounds like great day. Glad to see you are taking advantage of all the fun things there are to do there. The boys are so dang cute. Where does Lyvie get that booty? So cute!! Sure excited to see you all.

Freeman Family said...

I bet your dad is so jealous! Did you notice the guy with the Iowa hat in the second picture? I think someone is trying to drop you hints...Jeremy is heading to Chicago this weekend to see the Cubs play the Yankees. Jeter is suppose to be going for his 3000 hit this weekend so Jeremy was pumped up for that, but he is on the DL now!