Friday, August 19, 2011

Jack is Back with Avengance!!

Toward the tail end of our trip to Idaho, Jack started to get a little stomach flu. This happens nearly every time we go home. And I have to admit, although I don't like Jack to feel sick, and I DO like how he behaves when he is sick - that being mellow, chill, relaxed, staying in one spot for an entire minute or maybe two! However, the life has sprung back into his little frame with all it's zest and fury. Sometimes this doesn't end with happy results! Here's the scenario: Because of constant rain and warm weather are lawn had turn into a thick jungly mess while we were gone. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday trying to mow this beast. It is a beast - and it was hot and humid outside. I left the boys to watch a movie while Lyv was napping and I manned the mower. I'm almost done, and I look like I've been dowsed with buckets of water, and red in the face when Sam scampers yelling out words. All I get over the sound of the mower is Jack - bean bag chair - mess. That is enough to send me running into the house. I discover that both boys have be enjoying a bean bag stuffing bath during my absence! I'm furious to say the least, hot, sweaty, and thirsty. So I start cleaning up - Jack goes back and starts dumping the beans out again! I give him three sharp spankings, he starts to cry (and if you know Jack this is a good thing, because he usually laughs when I spank him). The boys are sent to the kitchen to clean up the beans they trailed there, while I attempt to shovel the stuffing back into the bean bags. All I can say is Jack is feeling better!

He did however give Lyv her first ride on the Gator and did a great job. She loves it. She also loves babies! She says, "Hi Baby" pats them, hugs them, pokes their eyes out, and repeats. She has really started to spout out a lot of words lately, no surprise to me, because she's been babbling since birth! "Uh-oh" "Jack" "Hi Dad" "Hi Guys" "Please" "Popcorn" "Thanks" "Ma!!!" "All done" "Shoes" She also knows were her body parts are, and follows directions better than the boys do. Her hair has grown a lot in the past little bit, and I'm hoping to try more do's if she'll let me. She really REALLY doesn't like her hair done. She still loves cars and trucks and mud - and makes all appropriate noises with them.

I have a HUGE inclination that Jack and Lyv are going to become quite a gruesome twosome this year, without Sam's motherly supervision. Heaven help me to be patient, and heaven help them to find constructive ways to play!


Nick and Marci Jensen Family said...

I seriously love it....It seems like thats my house everyday...the kids cannot go a day without discovering a way to DESTROY...!!! And your little lyv has most surely grown tons..she is adorable!!

Freeman Family said...

Oh Jacko! I so love your curiosity! Seriously how can you not crack up at him all the time! I bet you will be finding little white beans for months!

Mandi said...

I really probably would've killed them. But honestly I have always thought that would be pretty fun to do, right along with squeezing a whole tube of toothpaste into the sink for no good reason. Some people have skydiving on their bucket list, I have much cheaper aspirations:)