Monday, November 14, 2011

Connected... finally

The Saturday before Halloween (Oct. 29th) we had a huge snow fall. The snow was so wet that it just turned to slush, and as it continued to fall, it grew heavier and heavier. The kids and I went out to shovel and build a snowman. This was the scene prior to the most horrifying sound in the world..... My happy little heifer! Lyv had had it with the snow. The boys and Frosty the one eyed pirate snowman

And then a rumbling snapping roar... seriously that is the best way to describe it. I was walking up the step to help Lyv and I saw the tree limb come falling down. I yelled for the boys to come inside, because I was sure that the entire tree was coming down. I was scared to death - a live power and cable line were down. I couldn't get a hold of Shawn who was in surgery and the electric company was being bombarded by calls from others who had outages. In the words of Jack, "I just freaked out!" Here's the result.

We were SOOOOO blessed to not have had more damage, and most importantly the kids had decided to play on the other side of the house. We always play by the trampoline and slide, the yard is bigger there, and for whatever reason we went to the opposite side of the yard, and I'm forever grateful for that prompting that saved us from more serious problems. We are also so greatly blessed to have had great friends, the Thun's, who took us in for two nights and two days until our power was restored!!! Thank you Josh and Sam, we are so glad to have you here.

Even with power outages, Halloween must go on. We had planned to have a Halloween dinner at our house, but moved the location to the Weston's instead. We all made spooky food to eat and let the kids play since we had a boat load of candy from our trunk or treating!

Our internet was out for an additional week and a half, and I feel like I was so out of it. It is amazing how much I rely upon the internet for bills, news, communication, and entertainment. I did get a lot of projects done that I wouldn't have otherwise, so that is good, but I'm glad to be connected again. I vowed that I would move home to Idaho if the power went out again, yet here I am! I guess I love Shawn more than Idaho, but we are seriously looking into buying a generator. Talking with our neighbors have made me realize that that is just how people here deal with outages, and that we should bite the bullet and join them.


Jennilyn said...

OH I am so glad you guys are OK. And that you didn't decide to move to Idaho... HAHA Anyway can't wait until next WEDNESDAY!!!

Freeman Family said...

I've been thinking about you guys and wondering if had snow/electricity! Did you get my text last week? SO glad you are all okay and have great friends there to help you out! Love Lyv's expression and she will certainly not forgive you some day for calling her a heifer! Ha ha! TOO CUTE! MISS YOU!

Julie said...

Cute, Cute Cute!! So thankful you weren't in the back yard playing. Sure will miss you on Thanksgiving. I love the blog, it keeps up to date on my babies. I love and miss you all.