Saturday, February 25, 2012

Jack's the Normal One!

I have to post this because it is monumental! The day before we left to Florida I walked in the room and found this....

To some this may not seem like anything extraordinary, but for JACK this is amazing! He actually played with his toys, in a way that resulted in something constructive! There was no putting them in the toilet or down the air vent; it was an actual line up with purpose! I loved it, I think I did a little jig on my way to get the camera.

2nd Monumental Moment: On our flight back to NY, we had a bit of turbulence. Now this was the worst I've ever felt in a plane, we tilted, and for a moment I thought we were going down.....Mayday! Mayday! Sam and Lyv are laughing, Sam even makes a sick comment like "We're going to have a Crash Landing!" I'm trying to shush him, while trying to remain calm and praying that we don't die. I look over at Jack and he is white knuckled, gripping the arm rests for dear life. He finally takes a breath and says, "This is the craziest flight I've ever seen!" He was terrified for the rest of the flight and only let go of the arm rests when he saw people standing up and walking. Jack had the normal reaction! Seriously!

1 comment:

My Everythings said...

Hahahaha! I can just imagine Jack sitting there terrified. Poor kid. I am glad you guys were safe.