Sunday, February 12, 2012

One less smile the world shouldn't have to live without

I can hardly believe that an entire year has come and gone since my brother Ryan passed away. As I have been reflecting upon this past year and on the impact that Ryan made in my life, I am forever grateful for family. I have been blessed to have 2 incredible parents, 3 sisters, and 3 brothers who have been such a source of love, support, and friendship. When everything has come and gone, our family is what remains. Ryan always treated me with kindness, generously opening his home to me and my family. He had a wonderful laugh, a very "eclectic" taste for music, love for good food, a wild adventurous spirit, and a quite strength- Ryan I love you, I miss you, and I'm blessed to have you as a brother.


Jennilyn said...

We love you Megan and I admire how strong you are. Our thoughts are with you and your family.

Julie said...

It is hard to believe it as been a year since Ryans passing. I am in admiration of your strength and the love that you have for your brother. Death is never easy and when someone is taking in the prime of their life they leave us with a lot of "what ifs" and "what could have been". You have such a strong testimony and conviction I always knew you would be alright. I love you so much and think of you everyday. You,re a wonderful daughter and daughter in law. We feel so blessed to have you in our family

Freeman Family said...

Thinking of you....sending hugs your way!