Monday, July 15, 2013

8 months

Max turned 8 months last week, and I feel that despite my determination to not let his baby info slip through the cracks of my already absentminded brain...but alas - it is happening.  So here's a quick update to help me remember, this sweet baby boy:
 Max is a wonderful baby. He loves being talked to, played with, etc.  He enjoys splashing in the water, playing in his exersaucer, eating my hair, and chewing on everything - poor little guy!  He got his top front teeth over the past two weeks.  The first one popped through June 27th and the next June 30th.  So he's got the cutest set of choppers.  He makes the funniest noises, grunt like moans, and screams.  Yes the delight of his siblings, and the horror of his mother.  He loves oatmeal cereal, and is hit and miss with baby food.  He's not crawling - but I consider this a blessing to not have to chase him around the house quite yet.  He is content unless hungry or sleepy... or if I've ignored him too long doing chores.  We love this boy, and are still patiently awaiting him to sleep through the night!!!!

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Max is so stinkin cute! I can't believe he has more teeth already. He's growing quick. I hope he sleeps better for you soon. :)