Monday, July 15, 2013

It's Great to Be Eight!

Eight years ago today, I became a mother and my life has never been the same since.  Sam celebrated his eighth birthday today.  Because of the move and the upcoming celebrating we'll be doing for his baptism in August, we kept his birthday fairly low key.  Yesterday we went swimming at Surf and Slide in Moses Lake - it was awesome!  The body surfing was a favorite for the olders - and the pool and sand was perfect for the youngers. This morning we celebrated by eating his favorite breakfast - buttermilk pancakes with buttermilk syrup and sausage.  We went to church where even though he was a newbee - was treated to a birthday treat and a song!  We then had his favorite dinner - ribs, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and wheat bread.  We followed that up with chocolate sports cake!  I didn't think I would make him a cake this year, but I couldn't resist attempting this one - it seemed too easy to not try.  We completed the day with a game of kick ball in the back yard!

Sam is the best.  I feel so blessed to have him as our son and as our oldest.  Unfortunately for him, a lot has been expected of him, even at a young age.  He continues to support Shawn and I as we move our family across the nation, as we try to figure this thing called parenthood out, and as we fail to always make the right choices as parents.  He is an excellent helper - and I jokingly call him my second husband.  He has a great sense of right and wrong, and it serves him well, sometimes too well!  He is great to try new things, and always gives a valiant effort at everything he does.  He loves to learn - and seeks out knowledge.  He also handles the responsibilities of oldest well.  We are so happy he is part of our life - my favorite moments with Sam are when he smiles and laughs - he has such a wonderful smile, it literally lights up his eyes.  Love you Sammy Boy!  The greatest gift I ever received was becoming your mom!

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