Saturday, November 16, 2013

Max's 1st Birthday

My baby is one!  Man, this year has gone by so quickly.  More than any other child, the months just flew by, and I got a little choked up when Shawn and I were talking about this fact.  Max celebrated the day like most of his other days.  Lots of eating, lots of sleeping, and lots of attention! 
 Jack's 1st year birthday cake tear apart set the bar pretty high for all of the rest of our kids.  It is a tough act to follow, but I had high hopes for Max.  He seems to have a sweet tooth and doesn't mind getting a little messy.  But alas, he fell into the Sam-Lyv category of tasting the frosting and deciding that this wasn't worth all the mess.  We gave him a fork to encourage him that the cake was edible, but he just did a typical Max = tore it apart and then (this is my favorite part) throw it piece by messy-sticky piece onto the floor.  

We did get to FaceTime Grandma and Grandpa Summers, and so they joined the cake eating party!  I love technology for this reason.  We gave up getting him to try to eat the cake after this and settled for an awesome bath instead.  This boy LOVES his bath! 

Here are some fun facts about Max:

At age 1 he is not walking, and doesn't seem to have any intention on righting that wrong in the immediate future.

He is a fairly picky eater - not a fan of fruits and veggies, but loves yogurts, cheese, crackers, etc.  So you can imagine how insane this makes me, as I worry about him getting all the nutrients he needs, since he's done nursing.

He weighs 23 lbs. 3 oz; 30 3/4 inches tall, and has a whopper of a head!!  OFF of the charts!!

He sleeps ok - mostly through the nights, with an occasional exception, and naps one long nap after lunch.  My kids didn't ever get the memo that babies are supposed to sleep and want to sleep as much as possible… seriously I'm not that exciting, we're not out adventuring and playing, why don't they sleep???

Max has the sweetest, cuddliest, scrunchiest personality!  I love this.  He always lays his head on my shoulder right before I lay him down, and I can rock him back to sleep, which is something my others never let me do.

He loves to disorganize my organization - his favorite places: the DVD case, the tupperware drawer, the tablecloths cabinet, the dishwasher; the dish soap and the toilet are other favorites!

He doesn't like toys, he loves to be outside.  He has crazy hair and the only way to fix it is a mohawk, since it sticks up anyways.  He makes really funny random faces.

He's a chatter box but doesn't really say words = he can say sounds like: Mama, Dada, hot, uh-oh, and yes.

I am so grateful for the blessing that Max is my life.  When I get pregnant I always wonder what this next child will bring into our family, and as soon as they arrive it is like they were ALWAYS there.  He is such a handsome, happy boy.

Last fun fact -  You know you have a problem when the doctor says, "I don't know what is with your boys and their testicles, but…"- the doctor noticed that one of his testicles felt smaller than the other. Jack has had "issues" and he'll be going in for his 2nd surgery to secure the 2nd little fella in December.  To make sure all was well down there, we had to get an ultra-sound.  It turned out to be fine, and the tech thought that maybe when Max cried they tend to go up.  (He was SCREAMING bloody murder at both exams)…so all is well, my future posterity is still a possibility!  I expect a thank you from my boys and their wives in the future!)

1 comment:

Beth Willmore said...

Oh Megan you crack me up! The boys are going to be so grateful you're posting about their "boys" on your blog here! Keep it up woman - more ammunition for embarrassment when they're bigger! :)

No seriously though, I'm glad that they can help Jack out and that Max is ok.

LOVE the birthday cake - I'm sure you probably made it, you're so like that... and it's funny to me that he didn't really want to eat it! He's such a cute little boy and I can't believe he's already a year, I swear you just had him!

You're such a great mom and I love keeping up on your life! :)