Monday, December 23, 2013

Happiest TIme of the Year

 There is just something about a Christmas tree made of soda that makes you smile! At least that is, if your name is Jack Summers.  He requested a picture by this perfectly suited for him tree.  Jack had a big week this week as he performed in his first Christmas concert at school.  He did a great job, and didn't fall of the stage, so I considered the night a huge success.  He looked very dapper in his bow tie and sweater.
 Shawn and I also celebrated our 11th Anniversary.  We took a selfie in honor of our marital bliss….our first selfie ever!)
 Today we had our first Grinch Party!  We had a bunch of kids over to watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas and treated them to Grinch Shakes and popcorn.  I literally popped at least 10 bags of popcorn, and they ate every last kernel.  It was really fun…we are finally at the age with the kids that it's not overly stressful or high maintenance so the more the merrier!

 I asked Lyv to show me her Grinch Shake.  She thought I meant the shake that was in her mouth!
 Max thinks he's pretty big lately, and imitates the kids every move.   Here he is doing some simple addition, just like his big brothers!  Don't you love how he posed for the camera and everything.  We are in for trouble with this boy.  I have a feeling that he will get away with a lot of mischief.

1 comment:

Beth Willmore said...

That pic of you and Shawn is so great!! You look hot of course! What a fun mom you are with the Grinch party - and I'm with Lyv, except if you asked to see my shake, I'd pull out some twerking... so you should be a little more precise when you're asking questions!