Sunday, December 8, 2013

Starting off December on the right foot

The day after we arrived home from Thanksgiving, Jack had to have surgery!  Poor guy - it was the same procedure he had done as a toddler, but now on the left side.  Needless to say this time around he was a little more apprehensive.  So was I.  I was so impressed at how brave he was.  He only got a little sad when we started to get him dressed in his surgical gown.  The nice thing was that they gave him some pretty powerful medicine to make him sleepy before they put any IVs in him.  So he has no memories of any pain.  The surgery went great and he was such a tough boy!  He handled the pain so well, and only took medicine the day of the surgery.  The thing that got him through with such high spirits was knowing that people would be pouring out love.  He got texts, phone calls, visits, and gifts from so many kind and thoughtful people, and it made him feel so loved.  We're so happy that this is over and as a reward he told me he is going to have 12 kids when he's a dad!)

Max has left behind any linger signs of baby and started to play with the big boys!  He thinks he's pretty awesome until he gets himself stuck - literally!  I heard him squawking the other day, and found him on top of the kids table.  I smell TROUBLE for this boy in the future!
 He's also finally taken his first steps.  He has been so reluctant to start walking, but he does it more when he really doesn't realize he is doing it.  We've been encouraging him the past few weeks and making a really big deal when he stands on his own.  So we were thrilled when he took his first steps on December 7th!!!  Yay Maxo!

We had our ward Christmas Breakfast on Saturday, and had a very special visitor come.  The kids were so excited to whisper in his ear all the treasures they hope will be coming their way this Christmas.  Sam looked enormous on Santa's lap this year, so sad.

Now, I have a picture of each one of my kids FREAKING out on Santa's lap - and I treasure each one!  So I had high hopes that Max would have a great picture to add to my Scary Santa collection.  The moment came, and my hopes were shattered!  Although he wasn't "thrilled" to be hangin' with Santa, he didn't show any emotion.  Bummer….the streak is broken.
(FYI - his pants fit him fine, Santa must of hiked them up to his knees!)

1 comment:

Freeman Family said...

So glad Jack is healing well and hopefully all his boy problems are behind him! Give Max another year, Case did fine with Santa last year, wouldn't get 10 feet from him this year! I couldn't even drag him up for a picture! :( We'll have to try again! Sam does look enormous! Has he been asking if Santa is real yet?