Monday, April 28, 2014

Easter 2014

Easter was so fun this year, and I think it was because we scaled back on trying to fill the kids baskets and just enjoyed the day! It was a great balance between the “commercial” colored egg, candy filled aspect of Easter and the spiritual REAL reason.  We had our traditional resurrection rolls to start the week off, and finished it off with reading the account of the resurrection in the scriptures.  

I am so grateful for spring each year, and the rebirth that it brings.  What a blessing it is to watch our kids grow, physically and spiritually!  We are so grateful for our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and the promise of resurrection that is given to all of us.

I don't know why I can't seem to give up on things that are tradition - case in point - dying easter eggs!  Really why?  Just because that is what you do!

Poor Max ended Easter with a huge goose egg of his own! Yikes!  It was so sad and SO HUGE! He fell off those little camping chairs face first onto the cement patio.  Poor guy!

My all time favorite picture of Easter - I just love how this capture the sweet unique personalities at our home!

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