Monday, April 28, 2014

Some of my favorite and Not so favorite things...

Life seems to run away from me, especially with how busy our life has been the past few weeks, but my hope is to continue journaling our experiences big and small - so here are some small things of note:
1) My sweet date three weeks ago to Captain America!  What a great night it was just the two of us, and Sam, was such a gentlemen and bought the popcorn for us with his own money!

2) Opening Day! Baseball season has started and the boys are head over heels in love with baseball!  I love this time of year, but I have to admit that this year watching Sam is harder.  This is his first year of kid pitch, so the game is for real now.  The kids are expected to know what to do and they all have a huge desire to be GREAT.  That is a lot of pressure for 8 and 9 year olds.  Sam has a lot to learn, and is still trying to get his groove.  I know he loves being part of the team and that he is willing to try, and I admire his courage in that, but it’s hard to watch your kid strike out, miss a ball, or make a mistake!  I try to remind myself, it’s a game, it’s fun, it’s character building, he’s still learning – but I don’t like seeing him get discouraged.  I loved playing sports and I was leaps and bounds from being a good athlete – and I never took it very seriously; so I’m sure Sam is fine.  But being a parent is sure a hard thing, and not letting yourself get emotionally involved in everything your child undertakes is a chore in itself.

Musical beds – the favorite game of late at our house!  AHHHH…seriously this is getting out of control!  Max goes to bed just fine, without any crying or fuss at 8:30.  Lyv, who shares a room with Max, doesn’t like to be in their while he’s falling asleep, ends up in our bed until we move her back to her bed around 10:30.  Then around 2:30 am Max starts yelling Maa! Maa!, which wakes up Lyvie, who refuses to go back into her room and ends up on the couch. There is no consoling Max, the only thing that works is having him laying literally on top of me in a bear hug!  Sweet yes, but exhausting.  When I can finally manage to move him off of me, he still likes to have his hand in my hair, so there is no chance of putting him back into his crib.  After a lousy 4 hours of sleep I wake up and move Lyvie back to her bed so she can sleep while the boys are getting ready for school!  YUCK!  Will this ever end?

Max though not a great sleeper is the sweetest, happiest boy in the world!  I just love this boy, and boy does he love me!  He hugs and cuddles, smiles, and giggles – perfect boy!  He is 2 weeks from 18 months and nursery!!!  At 18 months he loves playing outside – digging in the sand box, jumping on the trampoline, running around chasing the olders, he just loves the outdoors.  When he’s inside he is happy again chasing around the olders in their adventures.  He’s become a hoarder and will hold grapes and small candies in his hand indefinetly!  Any attempt at getting them out usually ends in tears.  He is a head wound harry and is always bonking his cute head on the ground or doors and results in a goose egg!  I don’t think we’ve had a decent picture of him since he started walking.  He is starting to attempt words – favorites: Elsa (character from Disney’s Frozen, thank the kids for this one Max), Uh-oh, Mom, Maps (Max), thank you, bye-bye.  He brings an instant happiness to our house and I’m so grateful for his sweet spirit in our family.

Lyv is still loving ballet and she keeps telling me that she has to do a lot of perfect finishes in ballet!
I was able to crowd three of my four around me a few morning ago and take a picture, capture a moment - next year things are really going to start changing three of the four will be in school!  Life sure goes by quickly.

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