Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Jack's 1st Day of Kindergarten - We survived!

The end of an era!  At least that it what I feel like.  On the day before I sent Jack out into the big world all on his own, we made a last batch of cookies as a team: Jack-Lyv-Max.  I feel like I have had a threesome at all times for such a long time that I am not sure how to go forward with only two at home.  I had a slight glimpse into my future empty-nest and wasn't as overjoyed as I thought I would be.  

 Jack on the other was more than thrilled!  He couldn't wait to start out on this new adventure, to put on his big boy gear and ride out of my sight!  Part of me was super excited to not have the constant mess and accident prone craziness that is Jack under my feet, but then I also miss out on the funny, goofy, too smart for his own good sweetie that goes with all of that.  So he gave me a thumbs up, headed down the road with Sam and Lyvie, laughed and giggled in the line for the bus,

 and then it really happened - he boarded the bus, waved at me through the window and drove off, no longer my little boy.  I thought it would get easier with each child, but my heart broke there at the bus stop.  I cried like a baby, mourning the moment in time that is no more mine!

 It did sooth my poor nerves to know that Sam was there to guide him through the day, but I was still anxious; convinced that he couldn't possibly survive an entire day without his mother! We waited patiently for his return that afternoon, and got off with a big grin on his face!  The first day of Mrs. McGuire's class was a success!  We were all so excited to see him (look at Max's sweet pat on the back) - and we all survived, even me.

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