Monday, June 1, 2015

Mayhem in May

What is it about the end of the school year that brings on the craziest, busiest schedule imaginable?  Don't get me wrong I like to be busy, but holy macaroni…. the  month of May has flown by!  I looked over the pictures in my phone and found these gems that will have to do as a representation of what we've been up to.  I am the worst about getting pictures of the "actual" event - I'd rather witness the moment, but that leaves for some random photos to go in the scrapbook!
 Lyv finished up preschool on May 22 with a fun morning at Kid's Castle.  She had a great year, loved her teachers and her classmates.  She was such an eager learner and I am more than confident that she will love kindergarten as well.  I on the other hand am super excited to have her home all day again, and super sad that she'll be leaving me all day in September.  The time has gone way too fast for me!  And boy am I grateful for a little girl….I found this note hanging from our bedroom door the other night and it made my heart melt.  Love this sweet heart.

 Jack learned to tie his shoes!!! Yay! Yay! Yay!  This has been a long time coming, but I am sure glad he figured it out.  
 Max is a perfect little combination of Sam and Max.  First Sam - represented by the cape and the crazy antics.  He loves to run around as a super hero most of the day.  Second Jack - represented by the fact he could care less if he's sitting on peoples faces, hitting you, or causing your pain!  He can be a little stinker sometimes.  But even with those influences coming out - Max is still my Maxi!  His fingers continue to find their way into my hair usually once or twice a day.

 Memorial Day was spent in Yakima this year.  So we decided to have a BBQ with some friends and break in the new house.  The only picture to document this fun day was the flag cake I made!  Man, I am bad about taking pictures.  We had five families here and pigged out on salads, hamburgers, and gourmet s'mores.  The house survived…Shawn was a little worried about the amount of chaos that I was inviting in.  The worst incident of the night came when Jack's water bottle decided to have an Old Faithful moment and shot soda all over the wall, floor and ceiling!
 I was able to be a chaperone on Sam's field trip last week.  That is one of my favorite parts of being a stay at home mom.  I love getting into the schools and meeting his friends and teachers, and seeing what his day is like.  The kids went to the library and got an extra awesome treat at the Yogurt Shack!  Delicious!

 Sam's also finished up his piano lessons until September.  He is supposed to have a recital and play Ode to Joy, but he has a tournament that same night.  So I had him give me a private recital of his memorized piece.  He is LOVING piano, but he bears with me while I try to help him appreciate and learn a little more about music.
 Finally we had a special visit from Grandma and Grandpa Summers this weekend!  What a fun time we always have with them around.  The weekend also fell on the Gap2Gap race and Sam's double header so we were busy busy during their stay!  The kids loved having them, and loved being spoiled with extra love and attention.  I am so grateful for such supportive loving parents!

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