Sunday, March 12, 2017

Eva's Blessing

 Eva was blessed on Sunday, March 5th, 2017, in the Cottonwood Canyon Ward by her dad.  It was a beautiful morning.  My parents made a quick trip up to Yakima and my Aunt Susan and Uncle Jay came over from Snohomish to be there.  We feel so incredibly lucky to have such wonderful family and friends, most of whom were not able to attend, but sent love and well wishes our way.  We are blessed!

 To say that the kids love Eva is an understatement!  She is the favorite of all, and showered with kisses, hugs, and affection throughout the day.  We love this sweet spirit!

Shawn blessed Eva with faith, and with the will power and strength to make good decisions; so she can choose good over evil.  She was blessed with physical strength to serve others and to help with her family.  She was blessed to have a strong body, and the ability to overcome any physical ailment she might have.  She was blessed to seek out good things and find truth in all things; to make sacred covenants with her Heavenly Father, and with the knowledge that she was a special daughter of God.  She was blessed to treat her body with respect and keep her mind clean, so she would have the Spirit with her always. 

I love the power of the priesthood, and am grateful to have the priesthood in my home.  Shawn is such a humble, sincere man and I have a testimony that his blessings come through the Spirit and he listens and waits for promptings of what to say.  My dad is another priesthood holder who I felt the same with, when he's given blessings.  We had the special privilege of having my Uncle Jay stand in the circle - his first time - since being baptized almost 2 years ago.  It was a great day!

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