Sunday, November 9, 2008

Summers Sons' Saturday Soup

The Saturday Soup is turning into Sunday leftovers, but we've been able to have so many visitors these past two months, that it has been making it hard for me to keep up! I apologize in advance.

After having Jack it amazed me how much Sam suddenly grew up. He has been saying the funniest things lately and here's a little sampling of his recent stand-up show:
*We were talking about what we want to do when we grow up, and I told Sam that I wanted to be a mommy. He then asked me if I had any questions and the conversation went like this:
Megan: "You'll answer anything I ask you?"
Sam: "Sure"
Megan: "Okay, what do mommy's do?"
Sam: "They put boys into time-out!"
*He hates to blow his nose, wash his hands, and bathe, basically all things that are cleanly and sanitary. He had a big sneeze and I asked him if he needed a kleenex. Sam sniffed really hard, and said: "No (SNIFF) - I'll just put them (SNIFF) back to their home (SNIFF).
*He has been loving dressing up as a pirate as you've seen from several of the past posts. A few nights ago while saying his prayers he refused to put down his telescope and he had a "pirate prayer", one arm folded, the other holding the telescope up to his eye, and praying that he could find the buried treasure.

Jack is also getting so big and so much fun. He loves to smile and responds so good to our voices. He had his 2 month appointment on Thursday and here are his stats:
Weight: 10 lbs. 14 oz. - 45%
Height: 22 1/2 inches - 45%
He also got his shots that day and I really thought that it would be easier this time around. Well it wasn't. They stuck him and it took about 2 seconds for him to register that it hurt and then he cried. It was that sad cry, and even after it was over it took about 2 minutes for him (and me) to stop. It is the most agonizing thing in the world to hear your baby cry like that, and from here on out Shawn is officially in charge of vaccinations.

This weekend Shawn's mom and dad came out to see Jack and Sam, and we had a great time just hanging out and of course eating out! Yum! Thanks Julie and Kelly for the fun visit, we can't wait to see you two "Whasskly Whabbits" in a few weeks for Thanksgiving.


Nicolette said...

Meg, thanks for the sweet birthday card. You're always so thoughtful :) Love ya tons! Are you going to be in Idaho for Christmas?

Amber said...

oh I had to laugh about Sam's Sneezing story! Funny kid. He's a cutie. Glad you had fun with kelly & Julie...isn't eating out fun?? I love it! haha

Ashton & Co. said...

My mom says the boys are SO cute and that she had a lot of fun...Cute pics of everybody. Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks!!!

Courtney said...

Sam is so funny! I often think to myself about Drew, "Where do you come up with this stuff?" I'm sure glad that kids are like that though, it makes for some fun days!

Adrianne said...

You've got such cute boys! They're both getting so big! Hope you guys are well and having lots of fun.

crapo family said...

meg - the conversation with sam is priceless! good that you wrote that down, one of those things you hate to forget! Jack is getting so BIG! I always hear about how totally adorable he is from his HILL fam-club!!

Anonymous said...

Sam is so cute. Those are sweet little conversations to have on paper. Thanks for helping on Thursday it was great to have you their!