Saturday, November 22, 2008

Summers Sons' Saturday Soup

Go COUGARS - thats right its the B.I.G. game today BYU v. Utah. We'll be going over to our friends house with fellow BYU alum to watch and will be getting back to you on those results....
This week Sam had Mom's day at preschool and I was able to see all the fun things he does at school. He is such a smart boy and his teachers are so great. We talked about Native Americans and made a head dressed. They also asked them questions about us the day before, like our ages, weight, etc. Sam said that I was 38 and that I weighed 22 lbs. HE also said my favorite thing to do was "play with him all of the time!" I had a great time with Sam. He is such a good boy and is growing so fast!

Jack has found his fingers, especially his thumb and has really started chewing and sucking on them. He is such a good boy and loves to smile and coo at us. Sam and Jack are starting to interact, which is so fun to watch. !
Sam loves Jack (sometimes a little too much) and Jack loves being entertained by Sammy boy. I'm so lucky to have these two little boys in our home.

I attended the Twilight Movie premier Thursday night at midnight with a group of other crazy girls. It was hilarious to be in line (first in line mind you) all wearing Twilight t-shirts (mine was homemade - yes those are scrapbook stickers that kept falling off) with a bunch of teenage girls. Part of my was loving being there acting like a 16 year old screaming when the movie started, and the other part of me was thinking how tired my 25 year old self would be tomorrow taking care of my kids. The movie was really good and the Edward is growing on me, so I'm so glad I went and giggled with my bffs.


Nicolette said...

Do not tell me that is a "Team Edward" shirt--Hilarious! I just saw the movie today with some students who begged me to come, so I was actually WITH the 16 year olds. It made me remember that time Ms. Howard came with us to Rexburg...we need to revisit that memory sometime:) Anyway, I liked the movie. The Stephanie Meyer cameo was funny:)

Anonymous said...

I had fun sitting by you and making fun of all the twitter-pated girls around us. It was SO worth it and I'm glad we got to act like we were 16 again. Sorry you had to watch my fluffy the next day bright and early.

Amber said...

I went to Twlight today with my mom and it was SO good, I want to take Broc to it;) We'll see what he thinks....

Ashton & Co. said...

You look so cute Meg! I can't wait to see the boys in 2 days!!!! Oh, and you and Shawn, too! :) I can't wait to squeeze that little baby. They are so cute. What a good wife you are. I'm glad to see you guys take advantage of SO many fun things out there that Idaho jsut doesn't have to offer. See you soon !Cute posts!