Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I love Thanksgiving! It really is one of my favorite holidays because it isn't commercialized and it makes me reflect on those things I am grateful for. Lately I've been really grateful for all the boys in my life and I decided instead of just a sweeping statement of gratitude I'd list a couple of reasons why I love these wonderful boys:
1. Shawn: I am grateful for Shawn because he cut 90 blocks on his Saturday wearing these huge gun earmuff things for Super Saturday. I am grateful for Shawn because if I EVER need him, he drops anything and comes home to help me. I am grateful for Shawn because he laughs at really silly things and it helps me lighten up! I am grateful for Shawn because he is humble, intelligent, kind, strong, and HOT!
2. Sam: I am grateful for Sammy boy because he is soooo smart! He is my little buddy and helps me out so much. I am grateful for Sam because he loves me even after I just put him in time-out or spanked him. I am grateful for Sam because he is our little guinea pig for parenting and he is such a good boy inspite of our lack of experience. I am grateful for Sam because he sings Twisted Sister and Run DMC instead of kid songs. I am grateful for Sam because his laugh is one of my favorite sounds.
3. Jack: I am grateful for Jack because he is HERE! I have been waiting for him for a really long time, and he doesn't disappoint. I am grateful for Jack because he lights up when he smiles, and smiles if I show up. I am grateful for Jack because he is such a good baby, eats well, sleeps well, and is content. I am grateful for Jack because he loves to cuddle.

Sorry that I indulged a little on this post, but I hope this gives you a chance to think about things you are grateful for, because if you are like me, there are so many things in my life that I am blessed to have. Happy Thanksgiving!

Here's a few photos to part with - Here's the boys at the BYU v. Utah game - I can only say the food and company helped sooth the ache of losing, there's always next year! We had thought of naming Jack, Max, now Shawn is happy we went with Jack instead. (Poor Max Hall!)

We are leaving to go to Denver for Thanksgiving and I was upstairs packing when Sam became really quiet. I decided a little too late to check on him, and this was what I found (Sam said he was making a flour sand castle!) Nice huh? My first reaction was to laugh (wait before you think that was a good response), but Sam thought that meant that he could continue playing in the flour and sent more flying. This led to me getting upset that he wasn't minding, and him crying because I yanked him off the counter - so he's a little red-eyed in the picture! What's the craziest prediciment that you have ever found your kids in?

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I love the flour sand castle Sam! What a smart boy he is. I hope you guys have a nice Thanksgiving :)