Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday Soup

Wow - the week has flown by! We have thoroughly enjoyed every day of this week, because it has been spent playing with Shawn. We started off with a day of fun on the slip and slide, then we hit the zoo, we went camping (which really was the highlight of our adventures), and tonight we are having a potluck dinner with our neighbors. We have been so blessed to live next to these wonderful people. I can't describe how grateful we are to have them as friends and watch our kids play, and occasionally fight! We will miss you all so much.

I need to apologize in advance for the load of pictures, but they turned out great - which goes to show you that lighting makes all the difference in the world with cameras. Our pictures camping were on a overcast day, and they turned out great.

Camping at Bear Creek Camp ground - owned by the LDS church and can be used for anything from scouts to a family outing. Sam was EXstatatic! He was in heaven, almost literally too - because it was so beautiful there. The trees are something else, and if you've been camping in Idaho and Utah, it just doesn't do it justice. Pine trees are beautiful, but these trees were HUGE and everything was so green! Sam's favorite parts of camping were as follows:
1) Fishing - a perfect little stream ran alongside the campsite
2) Sleeping in the tent, and listening to Shawn tell us some funny bedtime stories about Sam the Dwarf and Jack the Munchkin.

3) Peeing outside - thank you cousin Cooper for instilling this LOVE in Sam! (sorry if this isn't appropriate to put on my blog, but it was Hilarious! Sam really loved being able to just go anywhere he wanted, and at this attempt had just peed all over the binoculars - Shawn and I couldn't quit laughing.)
Jack did awesome, although trying to keep the now crawling baby from eating nature was impossible. I tried setting out two big blankets and enticing him with toys, but he immediately crawled to the edge of the blankets and began eating the grass, the mud, the rocks.... that boy!

I also couldn't resist putting these pictures of Jack on - he loves to eat, and especially loves sweet food (I know we are setting ourselves up for big problems in the future) but here's the aftermath of Jack vs. Banana Choc. Chip Pancake. We also discovered a new look-a-like for Jack, Grandpa Kelly! See what you think?

We've had a great week, and are going to be missing Shawn terribly. He does get to come home on the weekends and that will make it worth it to stay and see him a little longer before he really is GONE. We are going to start packing this next week - so stay tuned for my ranting and raving at how much STUFF we've accumulated over the three years we've been here. We hope you all had a very happy, fun week!


Jennilyn said...

Camping looked like a blast! It sure makes me miss Iowa. I hope packing goes well, I wish I was there to help, but hopefully you will get some help (especially with Shawn being gone). We miss you guys so much and keep thinking that we will be back in Iowa in a week or so. Reality hasn't sunk in yet. Take care. Love ya

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great time! Maybe we will have to go sometime. Quinn LOVES camping.

Sorry I missed you the other night. I am glad the straightner worked though!

Anonymous said...

What a fun filled week. I am going to try that camping place out. It looks like soooo much fun. I LOVE CAMPING! You got some GREAT pictures also.
Let me know if you need help with your boys while you are packing. I am always home & Ashlynn would love the company.
P.S. Your haircut is really cute.

Freeman Family said...

I am so glad you guys had a great week together. Camping looks so fun, what a beautiful place! You have to save the picture of Sam peeing outside for his high school graduation party. Priceless! It was good to see you Saturday night but very sad too as we know the end is near! Have a great week and I'm still planning on watching the boys Friday so no excuses!

Ashton & Co. said...

I am so glad you were able to take a week off and play with Shawn! Those ARE great pics. That green is so pretty. There's more Summers in Jack than I thought- that pic looked a lot like Piper as a baby, too. Keep us posted on life without Shawn :(. Love you guys!