Thursday, May 7, 2009

We're Back!!

We did it! We finally made it to Idaho and Back! It was such a great trip, and the boys LOVED their cousins more than words can describe, so I'll let the pictures do most of the talking. It was a nice little "preview" of what this next year will be like with the boys and I in Idaho. We are so excited to be closer to family.
Kamryn, Jack, & Leah - (all cousins born within two months.)

My mom, sisters, and I went to BYU Women's Conference and had an AWESOME experience. I was a little under the weather (and therefore a little crabby) but that didn't take away from the great talks we were able to attend. Thanks to my sisters & Eve and Wes, who watched Jack for me, so I could go. It was great to be on BYU campus again, I really love it there - it brings back some of my greatest memories. We were able to listen to the R.S. General President, Julie Beck, and she gave a great message, and really stressed the importance of defending family! The greatest part about being there was being surrounded by four incredible women - my mom and sisters. I am really lucky to have such great examples to follow - I love you all more than my luggage.

While I was at Women's conference Sam stayed at the Ashton's and had a blast. He loves those girls, and Keaton! Thanks Mic for taking such good care of Sammy boy.
Sam's Cell Phone - Thanks to cousin Cooper's creativity Sam has his own cell phone - S3! Cooper again came through and he and Sam sported Mohawks. The S.F. Cougar baseball team (which my brother Chad coaches) was having their district tourney while we were there and the entire team shaved their heads in Mohawks. The boys thought this was really cool and wanted their own. Luckily they don't know how to use clippers yet!
Jack & Sadie Rose

Sam in Grandpa's tractor - you gotta love living on a farm!
Making music and cookies with Brooklyn, Addi, and Coop.

I told Shawn I wasn't going to come back to Iowa until the house was sold - well I'm here and the FOR SALE sign still adorns the lawn!! It will happen - we've just have to keep praying:)


Amber said...

i'm so glad you had a good time, but it's kind of sad to know you were so close and i didn't get to see ya! haha but this summer hopefully i will! cute pics! (i will pray for your house to sell!) ;)

Ashton & Co. said...

We miss you already! :)