Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Jack!

Since we are heading up to the cabin for Jack's birthday, I'm going to celebrate a few days early.

September 6, 2008 - 2:05 a.m. Jack Rick came into the world, a little unexpectedly, but oh were we so happy to have him. We continue to be amazed at what a wondeful, Happy, Handsome, Fun, Adventurous Boy he is. Jack we love you so much, and are grateful everyday for all the love and happiness you radiate in that little body of yours. Happy 1st Birthday! Here are some fun facts about Jack:

1. He loves to eat! a favorite quote at our house - "no one eats alone in Jack's presence"

2. He loves to get into EVERYTHING! I mean everything: dirt, toilets, cupboards, flour sacks, garbages, book shelves, shoe closets. You name it, he's eaten and/or destroyed it.

3. He is Walking - it is fun to see this again and how shakey they are on their legs, and how proud they are for accomplishing even a few steps.

4. He loves to cuddle and will lay his head on almost anyone's shoulder

5. He has the most true blue eyes I've ever seen - almost too pretty to be a boy's

6. He laughs over simple things, and I love this quality - he finds pleasure in the smallest things

7. He was an anwer to many prayers and two years of waiting! Talk about being worth the wait.

8. He has ten teeth, love to play in the toy car, and has started to throw fits if I take something away - usually closing the dishwasher door!

9. He delivery was the best - only 3 hours of labor and 5 minutes of pushing!

10. He says "mama" and that is about it for now, hopefully dada will follow when his dada arrives back on the scene!

12 hours old 6 weeks old 3 months old

5 months old 9 months old "typical Jack"

1 year old - aren't those blue eyes blue!


Bart and Kellie said...

Okay - there is no way that Jack is already a year old! Amazing. What an adorable little boy! (I love reading your cute stories about the boys!) Happy Birthday Jack!

Freeman Family said...

Happy Birthday Jack! He is looking way to grown up in the last pictures. Thank you for the invite, way too cute. We so wish we could be there to help him celebrate and kiss his cheeks! Love his "fun facts" I think you have your hands full! LOVE IT! Have a great weekend and we'll talk soon! Miss you!

Colette said...

WOW, the year has gone quickly. I can't believe he is a year old. He is a cutie and those eyes are beautiful. Have a great weekend and Happy Birthday Jack!

allison said...

Happy Birthday Jack! He is growing up so fast. Love the last two pictures of him. What a cute little boy.

lori said...

He is such a cutie.
I love the braces from the post below.. You can count yourself blessed when you look good in braces

The Allred Family said...

Cute pictures and Happy Birthday to Jack. I can't believe that our babies are one! CRAZY! We miss you!