Friday, November 12, 2010

Summers Schenanigans... Fall Fun

Lately we've been falling for Fall.... the fall colors here were amazing, and as the leaves have fallen from the trees, we now have an amazing amount of them in our yard. We got out the rake and made some piles (which only took about 6 swipes with the rake to get a HUGE pile). Really the size and quantity of leaves here are unbelievable, especially to a girl from Idaho. But we had a fun day .... here we go!If you look closely you can see Sam's eye! Talk about Leaf Man....
Lyv had her 6 month check up (she's already nearly 7 months) and she still reigns in the 90th Percentile! She was 17 lbs. 12 oz.; 17 1/4 inches long, and 45 cm head. She is meeting and exceeding all developmental milestones except for the two most important to me right now: #1) SLEEPING! She has yet to sleep through the night. #2) EATING - I mean anything other than breast milk. She gags on everything we feed her, cereal, apples, pears, carrots, sweet potatoes. I've tried homemade, I've tried Gerber, I've tried graham crackers, little pieces of bread, etc. NOTHING!!! She just wants to drink her food. So I'm going to be focusing a lot on trying to accomplish her love affair with food the next few months. She does however love to eat her toes....She has 2 bottom teeth that I've tried to take a pic of, but no such luck!

Return of the 80's? When I saw this outfit I thought Karate Kid - the bad guy. Even the face is that. Sam really, really wants to grow out his hair, so we are trying it out. Its getting to the unmanageable stage, and I'm not sure what to do with it.

Well Jack has had another adventurous week. There is no end to this boy's smarts, he is like McGyver, seriously from turning Lyv's high chair into a ladder, and stacking stools on top of each other to get things, he constantly finding a new way to make a mess! It is all with good intentions, he really wants what he is after, the cereal, the bubbles, the pancake mix, etc. but it usually equals mess for me. Here's half the bottle of bubble bath dumped in the tub at about noon that day. Later that night I found him with the broom and swifter mop in the pantry. What was he doing you might ask, oh just cleaning up the half bag, industrial size mind you, of pancake mix that he had poured out on the floor and on himself. How can you get mad when he is trying to clean up? Then about 6;30 the next morning I find him with our chairs footstool propped up in the kitchen saying, "Reach, Reach" as he's trying to climb up to the Cocoa Puffs. He is very determined, and this might be the start of early gray hairs for me. But.... as I said to Shawn, would I want him any other way? No, who else would bring me such a happy personality? I read on my friend Lori's blog how she described her 3 year old and I thought it fit Jack perfectly, and I quote: "He is a lot of work, but an IMMEDIATE JOY!"

Finally, the other night Shawn and I were talking about Lyv and her sweet little giggle, usually over the most random of things, and Shawn made a great observation that I have to record because I think that it is truly profound. He said, "Isn't funny how laughing is one of the first things do?" I think this testifies of the truthfulness that, "Men are that they might have Joy!" We are supposed to laugh and find happiness even in small and simple, sometimes random things. So... laugh on!


Cassie said...

wow those leaves look amazing! Your kids are adorable! Your little lady isn't so little anymore!

Mandi said...

Two things:
1. I think your milk must be doing Lyv okay, she doesn't look like she is starving. Soooo cute!

2. I have a "Jack" living at my house, the other day I cleaned a whole bottle of vaseline off the window. Won't it be a sad day when our houses stay clean a whole day, it will mean our mess makers are all grown up! I would rather clean up the messes!

Emily said...

So cute! Miss you guys. Did you know Bekah is moving here? (to Charlottesville) I'm already planning a road trip for us to come visit, so you better make room for us :) The kids are super cute as always. Don't worry about Lyv, I wouldn't force her either, she's obviously growing fine! Blake was not really ready for solids until 9 months, and then not really into them until 11 months, but now he eats everything. I stressed a ton trying to get him to eat things. Trust me, when she's ready she will eat! And I also feel your pain about the sleeping through the night, Blake didn't until he was like 10 months old. Hang in there! She will do it, and then you won't remember what it was like anyways.