Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Summers' Schenanigans

Life has been pretty low key the past few weeks, which is great because these next two weeks look to be busy and full of pent up anticipation of going "home" to IDAHO! Yay, we are super excited, 10 days and counting. Here are some highlights of the past little while:
Lyv - she gets more lovable everyday. I believe that one of the greatest things about having babies is watching them learn and grow. I've long forgotten Sam learning to walk, or Jack learning to roll or crawl... but having another reminds me again of the wonder of these events. She scoots - one leg under her in and the other pushed out in the "crawl" position and manuevers all of the place. She smiles instantly - (but only for Shawn or I) she claps and babbles, shakes her head, dances to music, and is just beautiful. We captured a sweet moment with Shawn and her the other day. She is her daddy's little lady, and I think he is completely smitten with her.
Jack is becoming more and more independent each day. He loves to get his own food, put away his own dishes in the dishwasher, dress himself, brush his own teeth, etc.... I hear the words "I do!" over and over throughout the day. He is such a HAPPY boy, for as much trouble his naughty mischievious ways get him in, he continues to laugh and make jokes throughout the day. Here's an outfit courtesy of Jack.
Sam and Shawn hit the slopes last Saturday at Sawkill Ski Center. It is one run, and mostly used for tubing, but that day it was a skiers paradise. We had new snow, and Sam rocked the runs. Shawn said he was an animal, that he just attacked the hill. At first he would just shoot down the hill, but he quickly caught on to turning and by the end was a "pro". One thing I love about Sam is that he doesn't seem frightened by many things, and is willing to try new things, with the exception of food!)

I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to line things up for Shawn and the batten down the hatches for the house, since we'll be gone for 5 weeks! We are so sad to leave Shawn, but are super excited to see our family. Shawn and a fellow resident have taken a Biggest Loser challenge, and is working really hard at getting in shape. He has amazed me at his dedication and his determination to do this. So it will be great to see the progress he's made after being away for a month. We finally found a KILLA Mexican resturaunt called the Armadillo and had the best meal ever there last Friday with fellow residents of Shawn's. We feel we're coming into our own here and really enjoying the winter we've been given. It's been beautiful, and perfect for playing.


Freeman Family said...

The picture of Lyv and Shawn is priceless! I would want to kiss those cheeks too! I love the rolls on her arms! Yeah Sam for skiing! That is so awesome! He is so brave! Jack and Claire need to enter a fashion show! Hugs!

Smittys said...

Holy cow skiing!! Looks like fun. I am glad I just visit the snow! Your kids are adorable