Saturday, February 12, 2011

Goodbye to the Boot Scoot and Boogie!!

For the past two months Lyv has been on the move - but in her own special way. Our house is entirely wood floor and so I've never put her on her belly to help her learn to crawl. So she learned how to scoot with one leg in front, one leg in back, pulling herself with her chunky arms. When we got to Idaho she had to deal with carpet, and this provided a bit of a challenge for her scooting. She finally gave up her old ways and learned to crawl like a real girl!


My Everythings said...

Oh my gosh. she looks exactly like shawn doesn't she?
Sounds like she has a lot of cheerleaders, little cutie.

Megan and Shawn said...

Lyv finally proves that I would look hot in a pink dress.