Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Look at the pure squeeling delight in Jack's face as he coasted down the hill behind our house! I am not a fan of cold, but I do love a fresh snow that allows for shoveling, sledding, and snowmen-snowballs-snowforts- okay you get the idea. We got our first real snow of the winter season, and the kids were thrilled to be outside in it. Even Lyv seemed to enjoy it. While Shawn and I shoveled our incredibly long driveway (not such a fan of that); the kids played. After the second day of snow our kind neighbors came to our back aching rescue and plowed us out with their plow!) I can say how cute Lyv looks in her Moo-Moo's.

Sam was too busy to ever get a real good picture, but he is by far the biggest snow lover - he can play all day out there.Finally after coming inside, I was picking up the house and tried to find Lyv. I couldn't see her anywhere to I called out her name, and still couldn't find her. Suddenly I hear a little chatter coming from inside the bathroom, but she is no where to be found - I listen more and finally realize that the noise is coming from inside the cupboard. I swing open the door, to her delight, because she thinks she's playing a clever game of hide and seek - and she's found a new favorite spot: Just Lyvie size!


Beth Willmore said...

SO cute! It just snowed here for the first "real" snow of the season yesterday and I'm totally depressed! (Really why do I live here then?) I had seriously convinced myself that we were going to slide right into spring with no snow! Yeah - dream on!

My Everythings said...

That is a GREAT picture of Jack. He looks like he is in heaven. :)

Mandi said...

I was secretly hoping the snow would never come this year. Now that it is here it will probably stay until July!

Julie said...

Looks like the kids are having fun. I've decided you really have to be a kid to "love" snow. We have very little here, just enough to make a mess on the cars and garage floor. I was also hoping for a snow free winter...silly, silly silly! I love you and miss you all. See you in a few excited!!