Wednesday, October 10, 2012

When the Tooth Fairy Forgets....

Sam lost his second front tooth yesterday.  He was thrilled to lose his 5th tooth, but to loose it at school is especially cool.  The nurse provides you with a little tooth shaped box necklace to hold the tooth in until you get home and can safely place it under your pillow.  Sam ran off the bus proudly showing off his tooth necklace and toothless grin.  Tuesdays are busy afternoons with soccer practice, mutual for Shawn, and just the regular dinner - homework - etc.... needless to say the tooth was soon forgotten by everyone except for Sam, who dutifully placed it under his pillow.

Today dawned, Sam woke up as excited as Christmas morning, and called out disappointedly that the tooth fairy didn't visit!  How could that be?  She has been so good for all the other teeth.  With some pretty quick thinking and a frantic search.... Sam managed to find a dollar bill, and a little note mixed up in his sheets and blankets.  He must have slept so wildly that the note and money got moved around, right?

The note explained why the tooth hadn't been taken as form of payment.... it read,

"Dear Sam, I wanted your special case to be your's forever!  
You keep it!  
The Tooth Fairy" 

Man, that Tooth Fairy is pretty generous.

Sam also had a great Soccer game on Saturday, scoring his first goal of the season.  A fellow Gator passed him the ball and Sam kicked it as hard as he could past the goalie!  It was great!  He is really liking soccer, and learning a lot - thanks to a great coach and team.

Finally, to make room for the new baby, we have rearranged the kids' rooms.  Jack and Lyv now share a room, thanks to a bunk bed donation from a generous ward member.  The kids were so excited to have a ladder, and Jack and Lyv have taken to sleeping together without a hitch!

Sam will be sharing a room with the baby, and has a queen bed all to his little self!  I hope that he'll be okay sleeping with a waking baby...but he has a month until that experiment.  I finished the baby's quilt - I'm really digging the yellow and gray right now, and so we just need to add some finishing touches and all will be ready.
 I have 4 weeks left and am feeling the Pressure!  This babe moves around so much that I find myself poking back at his bum, legs, and arms.  He is literally in my rib cage, under my hip bones, and everywhere else. Still no name as of yet, but Max is a serious contender right now!  My mind has gone into full "prep" mode and I'm sure that I'm driving people crazy as I try to get the house ready, my church calling planned out, and Christmas started! Again I feel blessed and grateful for another sweet boy, and another fall baby!  The colors have been beautiful, and from our front door I'm greeted by these gorgeous mums!


Freeman Family said...

Oh my gosh..we are living parallel lives! Carter lost a bottom tooth last week, put it under his pillow, we all went to bed and I completely forgot all about the tooth! Luckily being up at the crack of dawn every morning saved the day. Somehow I remembered it as I was in the shower the next morning, however could not find a dollar in this house to save my life. I even looked through the kids piggy banks ( mom of the year right?) So I had to run up to Kum and Go at 5:30 am and by something with my debit card to get cash back, then had to ask the guy for change for a dollar! I got the bill home just as he was waking up! Whoo..saved that one! :) I was cursing the tooth fairy all the way to the gas station! See, if you lived in the backyard I wouldn't have to clog up your space here and could of told you this story in person! Love ya!

Mandi said...

I was going to say that I think Max fits real nice with Jack and
Sam! I love it!

Beth Willmore said...

First of all I love the yellow and grey baby quilt! Secondly - good job putting Sam with him, mom keeps telling me I'm nuts for keeping the boys together because (according to growing up with Grandma Hansen) "the oldest child always shares a room with the baby."

Good job on the tooth fairy escapades! There is so freaking much stuff that we have on our "to do" lists as moms you definitely get a pass for forgetting! (Now if you left one of your kids at the gas station or something that would be a different story...)

So where was the belly picture this time? I'm pretty sad to not see your 36 week self!!

I like the name Max, but I think you should name him Maximus and EVERY time you say it you have to yell/announce it like you're introducing a gladiator onto the field. Good plan?

My Everythings said...

LOVE the crib bedding!!! The quilt looks awesome!

Julie said...

Oh the tooth fairy! Way to save face with the quick solution. So great. I love the never stop amazing me. How you get all these done is so wonderful. Whatever name you pick for this little one will be the perfect one. Sure mis you all....see you real soon. Love to all.

Jennilyn said...

LOVE the baby quilt, so cute! I also like the name Max, it does go well with your other kiddos. Hope you are hanging in there.Love ya

Nick and Brent said...

Love the name Max and the baby quilt! Maybe you can make mine? J/k