Saturday, September 21, 2013

10 for 10 - Max

Max is ten months, and I am sad that he growing so fast.  He continues to be such a joy in our home, and we are so grateful such a wonderfully happy boy.
Here are 10 things about Max right now:

1) the picture shows a very typical pose.  He does this raised arm thing when he sees Shawn or I, or himself in the mirror.  I can't decide if it's like a Breakfast Club fist pump or a Nazi salute...but either way he uses it for those he loves the most.
 2) He's taken a step back in eating - he won't eat hardly any fruit, and spits out food when he doesn't like it or is done eating.  He'll put it in his mouth and then push it out on his tongue like its disgusting.  I'm not really liking his picky eating - it just makes it hard to find good food for him.
3) On the food note - he LOVES dessert (weird?  I know!) He gets really anxious and does his wrist-ankle twist and grunt until he gets another spoonful.
3) He is a little too much like Jack - he has very predictable patterns in his onslaught of messes.  His favorite things to unload - the dishes in Lyv's kitchen, the DVD's, the basket of toys and then the Skylanders, he turns the cable modem on it's side after that, and then goes into the bathroom and tries to light up the scale....everyday at least 3-4 times.
 4) He loves to cuddle...oh the sweetness of his hugs.  We have never had a baby cuddles, so needless to say, we soak it up every chance we get.
5) Like Jack he gets a lot of pleasure out of our pain!  If we say ow...he repeats what ever he just did and laughs in this impish way!
6) He has eight teeth and a constant runny nose - poor guy I think he might have seasonal allergies.  He hates having his nose wiped and I hate seeing snot dripping down his face so it is battle each time.
7) He has discovered the joy of the toilet (another Jackism) and we are now on constant door patrol to make sure he's not getting in.
8) He is such a good boy and only fusses when he's hungry or tired.  We are so grateful for this.  He is very content to play and hang out - which is what he does a lot of as we try to get all the other kids to and from their different activities.
9) He loves eating rocks and dirt, and I think he knows that its naughty because he looks at me as soon as he puts something like that in his mouth and waits for me to respond.
10) His eyes are still so blue they look like the ocean, and I love his sweet little scrunched up nose smile.  He makes a lot of noise still and my favorite is when you do something that he thinks is funny but not too funny he gives you a courtesy grunt like: huh-huh!

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