Sunday, October 13, 2013

1 more month of PURE Baby!

Where has the time gone? Honestly writing this down brings a heaviness to my heart.  My Max is 11 months, only 1 more month of baby left in him.  I'm so sad by this, but I do love this stage.  Max continues to be very sweet and loves to cuddle and snuggle.  He has started to eat better and is drinking milk, so I'll be weaning him soon.  Again another milestone that I'm sad is approaching.  He loves to nurse and will come up to me when he's ready and start to gnaw on my legs, my hands, my face - I think he thinks I'm edible.  A little scary and Hannibal Lectorish!) 

He LOVES being outside and crawls all over the yard in search of dirt and rocks.  He is already down to one nap - why are my kids not into sleeping? But he is so content and happy I don't miss having him down for two.  He is such a good - happy boy.  He'll play with toys in his room for 15-20 on his own, and I love that.  He's found the joy of the splashing in the toilet bowl - GROSS!!  He love it though.....ugh. It is hard to keep both bathroom doors constantly closed and toilet lids all down with 5 people + occasional neighborhood friends around.  

He also continues to terrorize the house, but in a very habitual and predictable manner.  He has key areas that are always his favorites. 
 #1) Tupperware drawer - filled with an array of lids and bowls, so much fun in such a small area.

 #2) The wii and skylander baskets - again a lot for a little effort.
 #3) His newest attraction the marker cup on the easel.  For so long I was able to hide this little beauty from him, but he finally figured it out.
One would ask - why bother cleaning it up and/or why not put it high enough that he can't reach it.  First, I like to know that if he's going to do this, he has "safe" messes to make. Second, I like the small reminders of his presence!  A good reminder that maybe I've been trying to do to many other things when I should take a break and spend it with Max-O. Finally, I have a sneaky suspicion that he's inherited Jack's Where there's a Will, There's A Way mentality and putting them up high would only lead to precarious situations and possible trips to the ER.  I'm not ready for Head Wound Harry, Jr.  At least not yet.

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